International Clean Energy Day 2024 speech by the Secretary General

International Clean Energy Day 2024, speech by the Secretary General of the United Nations in Chile

Words by António Guterres

Clean energy offers numerous gifts:

It can purify polluted air;

Meet growing energy needs;

warranty services;

And connect billions of people to affordable energy and help ensure everyone has access to electricity by 2030.

All while saving money and the planet.

A just, equitable and urgent transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean energy is essential to prevent the worst impacts of climate chaos and advance sustainable development.

That is why I celebrate this first International Clean Energy Day;

I welcome the work of the International Renewable Energy Agency;

And I welcome countries' call at COP28 to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030.

I firmly believe that phasing out fossil fuels is not only necessary, but inevitable.

But we need governments to act to accelerate the transition, with the biggest emitters at the forefront.

This requires a massive increase in climate finance and, in particular, a reform of the business model of multilateral development banks by governments to maintain the flow of affordable finance.

It requires countries to develop new national climate plans by 2025 that outline a just and equitable transition to clean energy.

And it requires that governments close the door on the fossil fuel age with fairness and justice.

Our clean energy future is unstoppable.

Let's work together to make things happen faster.

Thank you.

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