International Student Day why is it celebrated every November 17

International Student Day: why is it celebrated every November 17? The Republic of Peru

Five feature films have been made in honor of this date, the last of which was released in 2009. Photo: San Roque City Council

Studying is one of the most productive activities that a person can carry out, since this activity gives him the opportunity to acquire new knowledge that contributes to both his personal and academic training with the aim of working in the professional field. In his honor there is International Student Day, an anniversary celebrated every year on November 17th.

Even if this date seems like a celebration, its origin is far from it and in this note we will reveal its history.

Why is Student Day celebrated?

On October 28, 1939, Czech students protested in front of the Medical Faculty in one of the largest demonstrations against fascism ever Charles Universityexactly on the date on which the Anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Czech Republic (former Czechoslovakia).

During this event, unfortunate events occurred in which many people were injured and two died, including medical student Jan Opletal. However, his death led to scores of people protesting against the Nazis on November 15 (Opletal Funeral Day) in the streets, at universities and in student dormitories where they had attacked students.

After these events, on November 17, the Nazis closed all higher education institutions in this country and captured 1,200 students who were sent to the university Sachsenhausen-Oranieburg concentration camp with the aim of stopping the actions of young people who are fighting for the independence of their country and freeing them from the oppressive yoke. For this reason, this date was registered as a day of remembrance for students worldwide, as a synonym for peace, solidarity for freedom and democracy.

Films in honor of International Student Day

  • The Breakfast Club (1985)
  • Night of the Pencils (1986)
  • Dead Poets Society (1989)
  • Dangerous Thoughts (1995)
  • The Student (2009)