International Womens Congress Inaugurated in Venezuela Radio Florida Florida News

International Women’s Congress Inaugurated in Venezuela Radio Florida, Florida News and Current Events Radio Florida, Florida News and Current Events

Caracas, April 26.- The XVII. Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women (FEDIM) opened its doors this Monday in Venezuela with the presence of nearly a hundred delegations from 27 nations.

Coordinators from America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia met the day before at the Meliá Caracas Hotel facilities in this capital to inaugurate the great world event whose motto is Women of the World United to Eliminate Inequalities and Violence . for the peace and health of the planet, and which will end on April 30th.

In statements to Prensa Latina, several delegations stressed the importance of holding this congress precisely in Venezuela, one of the countries targeted by the unilateral coercive measures taken by the United States, the consequences of which are affecting the social life of its inhabitants.

FEDIM Arab Deputy Coordinator Wafy Ibrahim pointed out in this regard that “this event in Venezuela sends a message to the world to come here and feel the Bolivarian passion, makes us happy, honors and gives us strength to pass on fight against imperial aggression.

Meanwhile, General Union of Palestinian Women representative Mona Al-Khalili stressed that this is the best international framework to denounce Israel’s aggression, publicize the cause of their state and the injustice they have been facing for more than 60 years ago .

The Angolan delegation explained to this agency that this would be the framework to speak out against the wars and in favor of the demands of the women of the African continent, one of the sectors most affected by the internal conflicts in the region.

For her part, the President of the National Preparatory Committee, Maritza Rossette, denounced how many of the international guests suffered arbitrary measures at the airports and travel obstacles simply because they wanted to come to Venezuela to tell the truth about their countries and the struggles of women in the country uncover world.
