Interparliamentary Union adopts resolution on humanitarian crises in Bahrain

Peace and inclusion at the center of the 146th IPU Assembly in Manama

Vienna (PK) – Vienna/Manama (PK) – In recent days, hundreds of parliamentarians from around the world have been poring over the question of how peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies can be promoted. These issues were the focus of the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), held in Manama from 11 to 15 March. The host was the Parliament of Bahrain. The Austrian Parliament was represented by a delegation consisting of Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP), Christoph Matznetter (SPÖ), Axel Kassegger (FPÖ), Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic (Greens) and Nikolaus Scherak (NEOS).

The conference took place under the title “Promoting peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies: Combating intolerance”. Parliamentarians agreed to accept the Declaration of Manama, in which they pledged to make concrete contributions towards more peace and against intolerance.

In addition, in a joint resolution, parliamentarians advocated raising awareness and taking action on the serious humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen and other countries. The focus is particularly on vulnerable groups, especially women and children.

Delegates from Austria for Peaceful Coexistence and Integration

In his speech to the IPU assembly, the head of the delegation, Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP), emphasized the importance of peace, tolerance and inclusiveness for all countries. “Austria has made progress in peaceful coexistence according to the Global Peace Index 2022 and is now ranked fifth in the world. However, in times of war in Europe and after the Corona crisis, we must be aware that we have to work hard to avoid polarization and prevent intolerance in our society,” he said.

In her speech, Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic (Greens) focused on the inclusion and integration of refugees in Europe and Austria. “Integration does not mean assimilation. Escape and immigration happen and the question is whether we also see this as an opportunity or just as a danger. The fact is: only with the first attitude can everyone succeed in peaceful coexistence in the long term and that should be our goal.” , she said. “Peace, freedom, security, but also an inclusive society are undoubtedly the coordinates of our coexistence without aggression and war. It was important that there was such a wide debate about this in Bahrain this time”, summarized Ernst-Dziedzic.

Resolution calls for action on humanitarian crises in several countries

During the conference, the issue of humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen and other countries was also on the agenda. On this subject, the parliamentarians approved a resolution with which they intend to raise awareness of the serious humanitarian crisis in these countries. According to the resolution, it is necessary to increase the support of the international community. Special attention must be paid to vulnerable groups, especially women and children.

The main theme of the conference and the general debate were the factors of peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies. Peace is threatened by intolerance and exclusion combined with growing social and economic injustice, loss of confidence in democracy and human rights, as well as extremism and misinformation. Inclusive and just societies, in which people’s rights are respected, are more peaceful and democratic, the lawmakers said.

In the Declaration of Manama, approved during the assembly, parliamentarians committed themselves to concrete measures against intolerance and to the importance of parliamentary diplomacy as a contribution to conflict resolution.

About the Interparliamentary Union

Founded in 1889, the IPU is the international association of parliaments and a global forum for parliamentary dialogue in close cooperation with the United Nations. Since the reinstatement of Liberia’s founding member in the 146th Assembly, the IPU has 179 member parliaments and 14 associate members.

About 1,300 people from 136 delegations attended the 146th IPU Assembly. More than 600 parliamentarians discussed peace and inclusion during five days. (next) kar/red

NOTE: Photos of the meeting are available on the Parliament website.

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