Investigators found narcotics in Anne Heche’s blood sample

The detectives investigating the accident that killed the actress Anne Heche said that narcotics were present in a blood sample from the actress. However, investigations into the case were not to be continued after his death.

“As of today, there are no further investigative steps in this case. Any information or documents requested prior to these events will be taken as a formal matter and added to the case. If an individual who may be responsible for a crime dies, we will not send related documentation for consideration,” the Los Angeles Police Department said Friday.

The actress was rushed to a Los Angeles burns hospital and suffered a “severe anoxic brain injury” caused by lack of oxygen when her car crashed into a Los Angeles home on August 5, causing a fire.

Though Anne Heche is legally dead, her body remains on life support and her heart will continue to beat until OneLegacy determines if she can be an organ donor, spokeswoman Holly Baird said in a statement sent to the Associated Press. The process of figuring out which organs are viable and finding a compatible recipient can take several days.

* With information from the agency AP.