IPD is experiencing a total crisis over the administration of the Athlete Assistance Program

IPD is experiencing a total crisis over the administration of

The medals recently won by Peru in the III Rosario Youth Games 2022 (45 medals) and the XIX Bolivarian Games Valledupar 2022 (145) are a mirage because the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) has not worked at all with athletes and federations. So far there is no real budget covering these games or the upcoming games: ODESUR 2022 in October.

The unfortunate thing is that this year the IPD has suffered the change of up to four presidents, power imbalances in management and changes without a work plan in the National Directorate of Sport and Affiliated Organizations (DINADAF).

After Gustavo San Martín left the presidency on January 25 of this year, Julio Rivera stepped in, which took a month and a half. Then Rubén Trujillo took over the interim presidency, which surprisingly left, and they appointed Máximo Pérez, a 72-year-old physical education teacher. According to credible sources, the current president does not make decisions or act on the sport’s highest governing body.

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Within the IPD, the names of Nick Leiver Gonzales Miranda and Rafael Hilario Rivas are identified as individuals of great power who are credited with proposing the appointment not only of Máximo Pérez, but also of Elena Mantilla, Advisor to the Presidency, and Silvia Pérez, director of DINADAF. Around the current President of the IPD are also his advisers Daniel León and Katherine Agurto.

There are almost 60 athletes who have been withdrawn or demoted by the Athlete Support Program (PAD) and their cases are currently under review, like that of Nicolás Pacheco, María Fernanda Reyes or Sara Vizcarra, pregnant and without support.

There is no plan for cooperation with the athletes for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, nor a subsidy plan, as so far the accountability for the support of the athletes for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games cannot be clarified by Sports and Affiliates (DINADAF). there is no real support for the associations.

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The interviewed DINADAF

One of the most questioned areas within the IPD is the National Directorate of Sport and Affiliated Organizations (DINADAF), which is being singled out over rumors of massive layoffs of professionals who have worked on various sport support projects. It is to be feared that in view of these impending departures, recommended people will come to the IPD without any capacity in sports management.

“The sport is paralyzed”

The case of professional Mario Ríos is very special. He was appointed General Manager of the IPD a few weeks ago, but only stayed in that position for six days. And although he does not confirm that his departure was due to his refusal to hire imposed personnel and was unconditional, he makes a succinct statement: “Sport is paralyzed.” Ríos adds that “if the programs are not articulated within the IPD, nothing at all is advanced”.