In June 2024, Apple will introduce iOS 18. This new major version aims to expand the iPhone operating system with functions based on artificial intelligence, in particular through a complete overhaul of Siri. According to leaker Ming-Chi Kuo, the Apple company would improve voice capture thanks to new microphones and thus make dialogue with its voice assistant easier. This development would also bring benefits for other more traditional uses.
Improved microphones for iPhone 16
In his report published on Medium on December 7, 2023, Ming-Chi Kuo announces “a significant improvement in the microphone specifications” of all iPhone 16s. These are provided by AAC and Geoertek at a price 100-150% higher than the iPhone 15 New components would offer several advantages on Apple smartphones.
The analyst explains that the microphones introduced in the iPhone 16 would capture voices better and have a better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This development would help improve the accuracy of Siri voice commands and dictations.
Thanks to improved hearing capabilities, Apple's voice assistant would be more responsive to user requests. This performance boost would be perfect for democratizing the artificial intelligence capabilities expected with iOS 18.
As a reminder, Ming-Chi Kuo mentioned in the third quarter that the team responsible for Siri began integrating Apple's language model and working on artificial intelligence.
In addition to voice assistant and dictation, these new components would offer advantages for more traditional functionalities, especially for voice calls or the audio quality of videos recorded with the camera.
Finally, the analyst states that the iPhone 16's microphones would benefit from better water resistance.
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