Iran Alessia Piperno 30 arrested for 4 days Help me

Iran: Alessia Piperno, 30, arrested for 4 days: “Help me out”

by Paolo Foschi

The Roman girl managed to call her parents on Sunday morning after days of absolute silence

They arrested me in Tehran. Please help me: the desperate call from Alessia Piperno, 30, from Rome, who managed to call her parents Alberto and Manuela on Sunday morning after four days of absolute silence – Il Messaggero revealed. The young woman said she made every effort to get permission to make a call. I’m fine but there are people here who say they’ve been inside for months and for no reason, I’m afraid I won’t go out anymore, help me. The parents contacted the State Department, which is following the case. However, it is not even clear in which prison the girl is being held. A very worrying situation, even considering the dramatic moment in Iran, with the protests in the streets for the assassination of Masha Amin, which led to terrible repression. Three days ago, Amnesty International denounced the arrest of 9 foreigners believed to be accomplices of the protesters, also revealing that one of them is Italian. The Iranian authorities then confirmed the arrest of an Italian citizen.

According to her parents, Alessia Piperno was arrested on Wednesday, her birthday. In the morning she had been called by her father with good wishes. She was happy, she was waiting for her friends to come out of their rooms in the hostel to celebrate all together with a picnic where she would spend the day with a French friend, a Pole and an Iranian girl, said her father , owner the Di Libro bookstore in Libro, in the Colli Albani district. Separated from 12 for Alessia’s mobile phone result. At first, the parents thought with concern that there was a connection problem. If he hadn’t called her, we would have gone to the Farnesina today (yesterday, editor’s note) anyway, because in six years of traveling around the world it had never gone so long without hearing from us, said the father.

The distraught parents also launched an appeal on social media summarizing the story. This girl Alessia Piperno and my daughter. As a lonely traveler, she travels the world to learn about the customs and traditions of peoples. He always fitted and respected the traditions and in some cases the commitments of each country he visited. We hadn’t heard from him for 4 days since his 30th birthday on September 28th. The last time he accessed his mobile phone also bears this date. A call comes in this morning. It was she who wept, warning us that she was in prison. In Tehran. In Iran. She had been arrested by police along with her friends as she was preparing to celebrate her birthday. It was only a few words, but desperate. He asked for help. We immediately moved with the Farnesina, we called the Italian embassy in Tehran. But we still don’t know anything, not even the reason for the detention. They tell us they are moving…. And we parents and Brother David cannot sit idly by. You can’t stand still when a child tells you “please help me”… I’m not a photo poster and I rarely use social media, but today I couldn’t help it…. I want it to be known and for this message to reach as many people as possible, maybe the right one who can help us

October 3, 2022 (update October 3, 2022 | 07:34)