Iran and Thomaz are the winning duo of the fire

Iran and Thomaz are the winning duo of the fire test; new bay is formed

The duo Iran and Thomaz emerged as the winners of the fire test this Sunday in “A Fazenda 2022” (RecordTV).

The couples had to help each other to put together a puzzle in the shortest amount of time. While one pawn was trapped in a cell with the puzzle template, the other pawn was blindfolded and guided to open boxes to try to find the pieces and then place them in the correct spot on the platform.

This is the second time Ian has been given the powers of the Lantern.

The pawn gained the Lantern’s powers to be used in the next Swidden formation. Adriane Galisteu revealed the power of the green flame this week: “Think: trade a pawn from the bay for a pawn from the headquarters”. The other power will not be revealed until Tuesday, the day the Hot Seat is formed.

The new bay was formed in this way: the losing pawns Petala and Kerline went straight into the bay, each pointing a different pawn to the spot. Petal pulled Babi and Kerline pulled Bia.

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Playback / Playplus The Farm 2022: Iran Malfitano is the first winner of the Fire Test  Reproduction / Playplus


1st Winner: Iran Malfinato

The Farm 2022: Iran Malfitano is the first winner of the fire test

Playback / Playplus

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Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV choose again

A total of 4519 votes

Wanna see the fire in the hay? Get all information about “A Fazenda” directly on the Splash channel on Telegram. To, click here or search for “Splash UOL A Fazenda” and select “Enter”.

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