1665042927 Iran French figures pledge to support Iranian protesters

Iran: French figures pledge to support Iranian protesters

Posted on 5/10/2022 10:20 PM Updated on 5/10/2022 10:50 PM

Iran: French figures join forces with Iranian protesters

France 3 articles written byWar in Ukraine Bombed Mariupol

E. Cornet, C. Airaud, G. Pinol, J.-A. Balcells, S. Ripaud – France 3

France TV

About fifty French artists filmed themselves cutting a strand of hair to support Iranian anti-power demonstrations. The protest arose after the death of Mahsa Amini, who was killed by police for improperly wearing her veil.

“For Freedom,” begins Juliette Binoche, chisel in hand. About fifty French artists cut a lock of their hair to the music “Bella Ciao” in the video, quite a symbol. Among them Isabelle Adjani, Marion Cotillard, Isabelle Huppert, Jane Birkin accompanied by her daughter Charlotte Gainsbourg or Angèle. A video released in solidarity with Iranian protesters who have been protesting against power in Iran for the past three weeks.

“It’s a video that’s not against the veil,” says actress Isabelle Carré. We have the freedom to wear it, but we must have the freedom not to wear it.” The gesture was born on the day of the funeral of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested because her veil did not cover all her hair and a few days later died. Since then, Iranian women have reproduced it and challenged the power that oppresses them.