Iran Responds to NATO and Makes it Hard on Drone

Iran Responds to NATO and Makes it Hard on Drone Spirit 5 September

Iran has denied NATO’s accusation of “supplying drones to Russia” and reiterated its full respect for countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“The allegations related to Iran’s involvement in the Ukraine crisis are unfounded and aimed at short-term gain”reads a statement from the Iranian embassy in Brussels, Belgium, responding to a joint statement issued by the 31 member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during a club summit in Lithuania on Tuesday.

In the text, the military bloc “called on Iran to end its military support to Russia, particularly the transfer of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)” that were allegedly used in attacks on critical infrastructure in Ukraine.

“Iran remains true to its neutrality in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and stresses the importance of complying with all purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, including respect for the independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. “, stressed the Persian diplomatic mission in Brussels.

However, the statement denounced that despite the Islamic Republic’s respect for international law, “some NATO members actively supported the unrest in the Persian land by harboring and promoting in Iran terrorist elements and groups that have committed criminal acts and sabotage.” “. last months.

Responding to NATO’s allegations of Iran’s “destabilizing activities” in West Asia, the Iranian embassy stressed that Iran is a frontrunner in the fight against all forms of international terrorism and has paid a heavy price for it. The Islamic Republic “has also played a constructive role in helping regional governments counter the destabilizing forces, most of which have foreign backing,” he says.

Elsewhere in the statement, the Iranian mission in Brussels regrets that NATO has accused Iran of failing to meet its agreed commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal. “The Islamic Republic of Iran remains committed to delivering on its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.” [el nombre oficial del pacto]’ he emphasizes.

In fact, the Iranian side adds, some members of the Atlantic Alliance – the UK, France, Germany and the United States – are violating and even violating their obligations under PIAC and UN Security Council Resolution 2231 had. “The US withdrawal from the agreement in 2018 is a clear example of a breach of commitments” committed by a NATO member, he denounced.

USA and its crimes against humanity

The Iranian statement labeled the exertion of maximum pressure by some NATO members on Iran, which has caused much suffering to the Iranian people, as a “crime against humanity” and called for an immediate cessation of such measures.

In the note, Iran called on members of the Atlantic Alliance to “stop making unfounded allegations against Tehran and to honor its obligations under the United Nations Charter”.