Iran The fate of a young girl in a coma

Iran: The fate of a young girl in a coma causes excitement in the country

Just over a year after the death of Mahsa Amini, who was killed by moral police in Iran because of a poorly worn veil, a 16-year-old girl, Armita Garawand, is in a coma. She was allegedly beaten on the subway for not wearing a veil.

Will anger explode again in Iran? According to a Norwegian-based Iranian NGO, a 16-year-old girl is currently in a serious condition after being beaten by moral police in the Tehran subway. His alleged aggression is gaining momentum in Iran, while this Friday his imprisoned compatriot Narges Mohammadi, an activist known for her work in defense of rights, won the Nobel Peace Prize.

According to the Iranian NGO Hengaw, the events occurred on October 1st. On surveillance videos from the Tehran subway, teenager Armita Garawand can be seen entering the subway car. The young girl is not veiled, although the law requires it. A few seconds later we find Armita unconscious, carried by her classmates who are carrying her out of the subway. She is then evacuated and taken to the hospital.

According to the same NGO, the young woman was beaten by female members of the moral police and her head fell on the ground. Armita was reportedly seen without a veil and beaten as soon as she entered the subway station. She could have reached the platform before collapsing on the subway.

A refuted version

A different version than the official Iranian press claims that the teenager fainted after a drop in blood pressure. For his part, the general director of the Tehran metro denied any verbal or physical altercation.

The NGO Hengaw also warned about the situation of the parents, who are currently under pressure from the Iranian government.

In an interview with state media, parents supported the official version of the voltage drop. Armita’s mother said: “I have seen the pictures from the subway so I don’t think the rumors are true. I saw her fall and her friends pull her out. It wasn’t anything special, they want to make a big deal out of it.”

Hengaw posted a photo of the teen in a coma on her hospital bed on its website. She is connected to a stomach tube and her head and neck are covered with bandages.

The young girl’s health concerns the international community; her attack is reminiscent of the deadly attack on Mahsa Amini on September 16, 2022, which was followed by a wave of protests and bloody repression.