Iran unveils new warship Abu Mahdi and 100 rocket launchers

Iran unveils new warship “Abu Mahdi” and 100 rocket launchers: “The enemy must stay away from us”

Tehran threatens to reach out to “the enemy,” near or far, as Abbas unveils a new ship, Abu Mahdi, and 100 rocket launchers at a ceremony in Bandar. During a ceremony in the southern Persian Gulf port, Revolutionary Guard commander Commander Hossein Salami thunders: “Today we face an all-out battle with the enemy.” We must defend our national interests wherever they extend. It will be detrimental to the enemy to be close and halfway. You should stay away from this area. Salami did not mention any country, but the reference appears to be to the 22-nation U.S.-led coalition patrolling the Gulf and Red Sea against attacks by Yemen's Houthis backed by Tehran.