1700531908 Irela Bravo in Miami a reunion with Osamu and Yory

Irela Bravo in Miami: a reunion with Osamu and Yory Gómez |

Photo: Telenovela The Right to Dream | Facebook

Text: Editorial Cuba Noticias 360

As we already knew, the Cuban presenter and actress Irela Bravo was in Miami and therefore took “a break” from her show Entre tú y yo. At least that’s what his successor Alejandro Cuervo says.

Not a single photo was taken from this trip, but this weekend, right in the parking lot of the Real Café, pictures of the reunion with friends and acquaintances such as the musician Osamu Menéndez and his wife, the actress Yory Gómez, were published at a concert by the artist in question.

Pedro Rafael Flores, a singer from Santiago, also attended Osamu’s presentation and told Irela:

“Pleasant meeting at the end of the night in the parking lot of the Real Café with the excellent actress Yory Gómez, the producer Bertha García; Dalgis Diaz, sound engineer, and beloved actress Irela Bravo, mamacita to everyone in “The Right to Dream,” Flores wrote.

Irela Bravo in Miami a reunion with Osamu and Yory

According to several sources, everything indicates that Irela has been in the United States for several months. In fact, since the beginning of October, Alejandro Cuervo has taken over the hosting of the popular Cuban television show Entre tú y yo, in which he explained that Irela has “other professional commitments.”