Is Bernard Drainville a man? | JDM – Le Journal de Montreal

Minister of Education, I have a question for you.

Are you a man ?

Or just a person with a penis?


I am asking you this question because, if I trust the column that Jean-François Lisée published in Le Devoir on Saturday, gender theory says that it is enough to feel “male” or “female” to be considered ” Male “to be considered” or “female” has the wind in the sails in Quebec’s schools.

Gone are the days when the organ we had between our thighs at birth determined our gender!

Now gender theorists are invited to come into our CPEs and schools to teach our children from a young age that biology is an outdated science and that feeling now takes precedence over anatomy!

“Do you feel like a girl? So you are a girl! »

They will tell me that gender dysphoria does exist, that it is a properly documented identity disorder and not just a fad.

It does not bother me.

But can we agree that this disorder (because yes, it is a disorder) only affects a tiny fraction of the population?

Do you know apotemnophilia?

It is an “identity disorder of bodily integrity” that causes a person who has all their limbs to feel internally “disabled”.

People suffering from apotemnophilia will even go so far as to have their limbs amputated or their eyes gouged out in order to “finally” live in a body that matches their “inner” self-image.

It is a documented error. who exists. And that is recognized by the highest medical authorities.

Are we going to teach our children that if they want, they can ask a doctor to amputate an arm or a leg?


“I know that the Minister of Education has his hands full these days,” writes Jean-François Lisée at the end of his column. But at a time when we are about to renew this dangerous pedagogy in the new Quebec Citizenship course, I have only one word to say to him: pause! »

For my part, I wouldn’t just say “pause” but “stop”!

Wasn’t it enough to introduce the Ethics and Religious Culture course that made the veil commonplace?

Should we now tell our children that they can change their gender like they can change their shirts?

No wonder our children are becoming more and more anxious…

Mr. Drainville, when a woman calls home to speak to my wife, I don’t say, “Honey, someone with a uterus wants to talk to you!”

I say “A woman wants to talk to you” like 99.9% of the population!

Our children have difficulties with reading, writing and arithmetic. The level keeps dropping. Even in elementary school.

Can our education system address these fundamental questions before teaching a highly controversial theory that is of great concern to the scientific community itself?

At least that’s how I feel as a parent (I’d even say – yes, yes – “dad”).

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