Is Israel complying with international humanitarian law Israel cites

“Is Israel complying with international humanitarian law?” Israel cites…

Sanchez doubted that Israel would adhere to interstate principles in the Gaza war. “The images we see make me have serious doubts about Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law.”

Israel recalls Spain’s ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and recalls its own from Madrid for consultations due to critical statements by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he instructed his Foreign Minister Eli Cohen to that effect. The reason is Sanchez’s “shameful statement” “on the same day that Hamas terrorists are murdering Israelis in our capital, Jerusalem”.

Sanchez doubted that Israel would adhere to interstate principles in the Gaza war. “The images we see and the growing number of children dying make me seriously doubt that Israel is complying with international humanitarian law,” Sanchez told TVE. “What we are seeing in the Gaza Strip is unacceptable.” According to Israeli police, two Palestinian attackers killed at least three people in Jerusalem. (APA/Portal)