Is the German model suitable for a war in Europe?

GREAT DECRYPTION – The war in Ukraine is shaking the foundations that have made Germany successful since reunification.

Correspondent in Berlin

Pacifism, a lack of armaments investments, the excessive economic dependence on authoritarian regimes – China, Russia – are called into question by the war in Ukraine.

• What are the drivers of the German model?

“Never again!” was the number one catchphrase of the German post-war generations who inherited a country devastated by Nazism, liberated in the east by the Soviets and in the west by the Americans. Supported by reunification in 1989, the country has rebuilt its prosperity on top of this rubble. Pacifism and free trade formed the matrix of this development, driven by the belief that free trade guaranteed peace. And vice versa. According to a pattern that had long prevailed in Berlin, a Russia detached from the ideological conditions of the Cold War supplied gas to Germany without interruption.

At the same time, the automotive industry sourced Chinese components before selling their vehicles in China. A diplomacy was organized …

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