Is the new Google Pixel 7a waterproof Clubish

Is the new Google Pixel 7a waterproof? – Clubish

More magnificent, more powerful and even more comfortable in photos, the Pixel 7 is a real success and confirms the good momentum that Google initiated last year. Like its predecessor, the Pixel 7 Pro, it outperforms the competition in terms of value for money, even managing to match or replace more expensive smartphones.

The only major drawback is the slow loading speed. The rest is only minor or logical. It gets a little warm, isn’t the best performance for powerful 3D games, and the battery life isn’t best in its class. Once we’ve been warned of all of this, the Pixel 7 doesn’t offer any nasty surprises.

Finally, the hardest thing is not knowing if it’s the best for its price: it is. The real challenge is knowing who to choose between this and the Pixel 6 Pro, which is now available at almost the same price of £799. The answer lies in the format. If you swear by more compact smartphones, the Pixel 7 remains a better investment. It will be more powerful, durable, prettier and a little better in photos. If you like having fun on a big screen and the telephoto lens is a must for you, then reach for the 6 Pro. In any case, there will be no wrong choice.