IN PICTURES Last day of shooting on the set

Is this the beginning of a love story? Léo and Marie-Anne kiss in “Indefendable”

At the end of Tuesday’s episode, there was a sudden rapprochement between Léo (Sébastien Delorme) and Marie-Anne (Anne-Élisabeth Bossé), a scene many viewers had been waiting for due to the lawyer’s feelings for her boss.

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Now “free” after his wife Sara (Catherine Renaud) left after 16 years of relationship, Léo took the first steps by approaching Marie-Anne to kiss her.

Is this the beginning of an idyll between them, a relationship? Given that Marie-Anne is in a relationship with Leo’s best friend Maxime (Mathieu Baron) and Leo’s marriage may not be over for good, several questions arise, even though Sara has fallen into the arms of his colleague Laurent (Éric Robidoux). . because Léo wasn’t often at home.

“Yes, there is a rapprochement between Léo and Marie-Anne, but it is far too early to draw any conclusions. Viewers will discover how they feel about each other over the coming weeks,” showrunner and Indefensible Season 1 designer Izabel Chevrier told QMI.

“Life is not easy, and neither will the story between them be easy, because love is full of contradictions, questions, ups and downs. Léo and Marie-Anne know very well that they are in an uncomfortable and delicate situation,” she added, given that Maxime will stay because of his work as an investigator and his friendship with Leo.

“It’s going to create a lot of psychological and emotional tension because we love all of these people, and seeing them trapped in an untenable context is sure to touch viewers. That framework is similar to many people’s frameworks, I myself fell in love with my spouse Me Richard Dubé at work,” Ms. Chevrier said of the criminal defense attorney behind all of the trials on the series.

Ms. Chevrier knew Léo and Marie-Anne would become closer even before filming began last winter. We had thrown in hints here and there of the lawyer’s interest. “It was in my Bible two years ago. When we did the “casting” of all affected characters, they already knew the trajectory over the year.

At the end of Thursday’s episode, there are still nine weeks of Indefensible Season 1 left, or 36 half hours.

The first season’s lead writer, Nadine Bismuth, is no longer in the adventure of the second season, whose lead writers are now Izabel Chevrier and Me Richard Dubé, the series’ two designers. The couple works with seven other screenwriters to bring the intrigues of everyday legal life to life. Coordinating director Stéphane Simard and other craftsmen behind the camera have also left.

“There were actual personnel movements, as with all projects. Two directors who have already been there, Marc Carbonneau and Mariane McGraw, will share work with Marc-André Girard, who made Defense d’Entrée, Pixcom’s vice president of content and creation, Charles Lafortune, said in an interview with the QMI agency.

Writing for the second season of Indefensible is going well. “We started writing it in November. […] We’ve got more than twenty episodes on the bench and when we start filming at the end of March we’ll have around forty,” said Izabel Chevrier.

The daily newspaper “Indéfendable” is broadcast on weekdays at 7 p.m. on TVA.