1650940597 quotIsland of the famous 2022quot Ilona returns to Playa Sgamada

"Island of the famous 2022": Ilona returns to Playa Sgamada, Licia, Marco and the Tavassi in nomination

quotIsland of the famous 2022quot Ilona returns to Playa Sgamada

Although the island’s tribes have been dissolved, divisions within the group remain strong, and in some cases have even deepened. The recent nominations in particular have left great tension between Edoardo and Blind on the one hand and Ilona and Nicolas on the other. Ilary immediately confronts Edoardo and Blind. Tavassi rejects the accusation of being dominated by Guendalina and replies that he was plagiarized by Jeremiah, who convinced him that to emerge in reality one must fight. He also accuses him of convincing Roger to let him win to become leader and appoint Edoardo. The boy sticks to his idea of ​​the Gwendolyn question. In the end, they stick to their idea. Then it’s up to Ilona and Nicolas to confront each other. Staller, accused of doing nothing, starts fourth and says she’s “pissed” and then gives Vaporidis a “Remorse!” And Nicolas is truly remorseful: he apologizes for the words and tone used, even if he repeats that, in his opinion, Ilona could have done more.


– After the comparisons, televoting is closed and it’s time to find out what the audience decided from home. On the way to Playa Sgamada is Ilona Staller, who has to leave the palapa again. Before leaving, Ilona gives Nicolas her Judas kiss.


– As a manager, Blind faces a difficult decision. He has to name two castaways he wants to eliminate. He names Guendalina and Licia. And if Tavassi takes it almost philosophically, Nunez, accused of “having isolated himself,” replies with a “cazzaro” for blind. The two nominees save themselves by challenging two other castaways to test The Vitruvian Man. Guendalina challenges Marco Cucolo while Licia challenges Nicolas. Whoever loses goes straight to the nomination.


– The first two to compete are Guendalina and Marco. The two resist for a little over two minutes, after which Marco has to let go and falls into the water: Guenda is safe while Marco goes to the nomination. The second run sees Licia and Nicolas as protagonists. The two held out for up to two minutes and 45 seconds when Licia had to let go of the platforms tilted 30 degrees and landed in the water. She is the one who goes to the nomination while rescuing Nicolas.


– The group is divided between Marco, who sleeps all the time, and Clemente, who keeps talking about his Laura. And so Lory has to navigate between these two poles. Ilary asks Clemente how important it is for him to see Laura again instead of moving on in reality without risking nominations. He replies “50 and 50”. In any case, he is invited to board a boat with an unknown destination…


– With the castaways reunited into a single group, there is one who just can’t connect with others: it’s Guendalina, who to this day sees the former members of the Tiburon as enemies. Her fierce attitude leads to criticism from even her closest teammates, to the point of even saying that there is a third team: “La Guendalinacha: it’s just me, but I’m scared of everyone”. One of the talking points is coffee, which the ex-Tiburons who won it rarely share. Asked directly by Guendalina, Ilary confirms that coffee is now everyone’s common heritage. Gwendolyn is rewarded by talking to her boyfriend.


– Carmen is in trouble because her son Alessandro wouldn’t sleep next to her after the groups were brought together. She suspects someone is instigating the boy, but he confirms that what matters to her is simply a desire to assert her own independence.


– Russo has to face a very risky test: if he passes it he can continue the reality show together with his beloved Laura, if he loses he goes to a flash televoting with the risk of returning to Italy immediately . Clemente arrives at the beach where Alvin and Laura are waiting for him. Clemente has to stand with his arms outstretched for a minute and a half and hold a two-pound punching bag. Even though Clemente suffers a little at the end, she passes the test and hugs Laura again, officially returning her to the game.


– In the last episode, Alessandro burst into tears because she misses her sister. Now the boy and Carmen are called to the nomination area to speak. For them there is a surprise, a video message from Carmelina, who also sent the boy a headband with the words “wins for me”.


– The boy missed his girlfriend Greta, but also her father Marcello, who for him is a kind of father and brother. In the last episode, he asked to speak to Marcello. Ilary tells him that he has duties and honors as a leader: he demands that he lift a bell under which are 11 skewers of meat, one for each of his companions. He must choose between feeding his companions or talking to his friend Greta. The boy is very torn…but in the end he chooses selfishness and chooses the video. However, now he must return to Palapa with the skewers and explain to his companions that he has decided not to let them eat. Someone applauds, someone seems a little more disappointed, but in general the choice of blind is understood.


– The two continue to complain about not having love, and then “the spirit of the island” wants to try to give him one … Mercedes Henger will arrive on the island, who said that her ideal man Alexander’s sensitivity and sympathy by Edoardo has . But they must keep the secret.


– It is a sensory test that Carmen and Marco will undergo. They must recognize their partners by touching any part of their body. If Marco wins, the men eat, if Carmen wins, the women win. It begins with Carmen’s legs, Guendalina is caught: Di Pietro recognizes her by an anklet. We move on to Marco, who has to touch Laura’s stomach: and he also leaves without fail. We return to Carmen, who has to touch Alessandro’s face: even if she guesses with some uncertainty. Marco has to touch his back and blind is pulled out: guess that too so the proof is the same and everyone can have fun with ice cold beer and pizza.


– While Ilona catches up with Marco and Lory at Playa Sgamada, it’s time for the leader test at Playa Palapa. The three most voted by the castaways will compete against each other. It’s almost a referendum for Laura, while some votes go to Blind. We need a third competitor, Laura, who chooses Roger, has to do it. The three then compete in “Honduran Snake 2.0”: they have to crawl on their stomachs, hands tied behind their backs, push a ball with their heads at the bottom of a path that sees a passage in a vat full of mud. Laura wins by mail. However, the victory is in question because Laura covered a few meters on her knees and not crawling, which is against the regulation. The replay confirms and then Roger is awarded the win.


– Cucolo is called to the nominations area where he talks about his relationship with Lory. The two have been separated for some time and he misses his partner more and more. He then tells how difficult it was in the early days of their relationship, when he felt the weight of prejudice from people who thought he was just looking for fame.


– Roger as leader decides that Alessandro, Carmen and Licia need to make clear nominations. Alessandro begins appointing Nick, as does Carmen, while Licia appoints Blind. Licia’s nomination and her accusations against some members of the group spark new discussions. Let’s get to the secret nominations, though. Nicolas starts voting blindly. It is then up to Estefania, who gives the name of Guendalina. Clemente chooses Nicolas, Guendalina appoints Blind while Laura chooses Guendalina. Tavassi also gets Blind’s voice, while Edoardo appoints both Estefania and Nick. Marco closes and chooses Guendalina. Tavassi joins the already nominated Licia and Marco.