Israel attacks a major air base in Syria

Israel attacks a major air base in Syria

Published on: 14/11/2022 – 00:36

It is likely that Israeli planes attacked the airport of Choueirat near the city of Homs in central Syria in the early evening of this Sunday, November 13. According to the official agency Sana, the raids left at least two dead and three wounded in the ranks of the Syrian army. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH) reports three dead, including two officers, and 16 injured.

With our correspondent in Beirut, Paul Khalifeh

At least four Israeli fighter-bombers flew low over Lebanon before firing volleys of surface-to-air missiles from Lebanese airspace into central Syria.

The raids targeted the Choueirat military airport east of Homs, Syria’s third largest city. The missiles targeted Syrian anti-aircraft batteries and installations at the site, used by the Syrian army, but also by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Lebanese Hezbollah.

29. Israeli Air Force attack in Syria

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the raids destroyed an Iranian-Hezbollah weapons and ammunition depot. This is the Israeli Air Force’s 29th airstrike in Syria since the beginning of the year.

Israeli attacks are focused on airports and supply routes suspected of transporting weapons and ammunition from Iran. On November 9, unidentified planes destroyed tankers carrying fuel destined for Lebanon near the Syrian-Iraqi border south of eastern Deir Ezzor province.

In September, Raids on Aleppo airport, to the north, had immobilized the terrain for several days. And in June, it was the runways at Damascus airport that were shut down after being hit by surface-to-air missiles.

►Also read: Syria: Nine dead in Israeli attacks, highest number since the beginning of the year