Israel attacks church because of mistake 18 dead in Gaza

Israel attacks church because of “mistake”: 18 dead in Gaza

Attack on an Orthodox church in Gaza leaves 18 dead. The Hamas information minister in Gaza had said Israel had attacked the church and that dozens of Christian and Muslim families forced to leave their homes had taken refuge in the building.

The Israeli armed forces reject the allegations. “The IDF can state unequivocally that the church was not the target of our attack,” an Israeli army spokesman said of today’s bombing.

According to the Israeli military, the militants’ target was a Hamas command and control center from where rockets and mortars were fired at Israel. The Israelis, who were aware of the news of civilian casualties, later admitted that a wall of the church collapsed during the bombing.

From the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem comes a condemnation of what is described as an “Israeli bombing of one of our churches in Gaza City.”

“The church offered protection to around 500 people, including five Caritas employees, along with their families. At least 17 people lost their lives and others still lie under the rubble. Among those protected were five dedicated employees of Caritas Jerusalem, along with their families. A total of 83 people sought protection in the hall. Tragically, 26-year-old Viola, a CJ lab technician, died along with her child and husband. Viola’s sister and her two children are among the victims. , explains Caritas Jerusalem.