Israel expands ground operations in Gaza

Israel expands ground operations in Gaza

AGI – Night of intense bombing and violent clashes on the ground in the Gaza Strip, the target of unprecedented Israeli attacks since the war between Israel and Hamas began three weeks ago. It is a major ground offensive that Israel has launched in these hours with troops and tanks, a kind of dress rehearsal before the announced but not yet completed “real” invasion, as international newspapers report. While Gaza is cut off from the world, has no internet and telephone lines are on the verge of collapse.

The Israeli Defense Forces showed a map showing the five tunnels used by Hamas that were apparently destroyed by the Israeli Air Force in the last few hours: those in northern Gaza, in Deir al-Balah and in Khan Younis on the border to Israel, Gaza and Rafah, where the access gate to Egypt that allowed entry is located in recent days.

Latest news: Israel expands ground operations

Meanwhile, Hamas’s military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, reported fighting on the ground: “We are facing Israeli ground attacks in Beit Hanoun (north) and al-Boureij (centre). Heavy fighting is underway,” he said in a statement. And an Israeli army spokesman confirmed that Israeli forces were operating “within the Gaza Strip.”

International media reported that the Red Crescent, the World Health Organization, Doctors Without Borders, Unicef ​​​​and other humanitarian organizations They said they had lost all contact with their colleagues in Gaza the “blackout”, which effectively isolates the city. Hamas, for its part, said it was “ready” for a ground offensive and also announced that it had fired “barrels of rockets” against Israel.

Meanwhile, the United Nations General Assembly in New York called by a large majority for a “immediate, permanent and prolonged humanitarian ceasefire“. A resolution that was immediately welcomed by Hamas and the Palestinian ambassador, but rejected by Israel, whose ambassador to the United Nations called it “a disgrace.”

Demonstrations for a ceasefire are taking place in many parts of the world, with representatives of all communities, including Jews and Muslims, marching together. In New York, thousands of people gathered at Grand Central train station in the heart of Manhattan to demand an end to the violence. The video went viral online and shows the protesters, all wearing black T-shirts with calls for peace, clapping their hands in time and chanting the slogan “No more guns/No more war/Ceasefire is what we demand.”

Over 1,400 people were killed in Israel, most of them civilians, massacred by Hamas on October 7. the deadliest attack in Israeli history, according to authorities. According to the army, 229 hostages, Israelis and foreigners, were taken to Gaza by Hamas, which has since released four women. The Palestinian group estimated that “nearly 50” hostages were killed in the Israeli shelling. Hamas’ health ministry also said 7,326 people, mostly civilians, including more than 3,000 children, have been killed in Gaza by Israeli retaliatory attacks since October 7.

According to the United Nations, 84 trucks carrying humanitarian aid from Egypt have arrived in the Gaza Strip since October 21, bringing the number to at least a hundred per day. “These few trucks are nothing more than crumbs that make no difference to the population,” said Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA director. The UN agency said it had “significantly reduced” its operations due to the bombing and fuel shortages. Twelve of the 35 hospitals in the Gaza Strip were forced to close.

Netanyahu’s adviser: “Our revenge begins”

“The Palestinian militant group Hamas will pay for its crimes against humanity and Israel will begin to retaliate,” he said Friday on MSNBC Mark Regev, advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Hamas: “No negotiations to intensify raids”

“There are no ongoing negotiations with Israel” for a possible ceasefire or prisoner exchange. According to Al Jazeera, a Hamas spokesman states the following: Osama Hamdan. “CThere were discussions and political efforts to reach an agreement“about a possible ceasefire and prisoner exchange. But as Israeli raids increase, “no negotiations are underway.”

Hamas asks Hezbollah to intervene

A high-ranking official from Hamas has called on Hezbollah and other allies to play a larger role in the conflict between Israel and the Islamist movement. Ghazi Hamad said in an interview with The Associated Press: “We appreciate Hezbollah working against the occupation, but we need more to stop the aggression in Gaza. We expect more.” Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah met with senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad officials on Wednesday, the Lebanese group said. Hezbollah’s press office also made the announcement a handwritten letter from Nasrallah – his first statement since the war began – he praised those who died fighting Israel.

Hamad confirmed this Hamas is “very open” to talks about releasing more people.
According to the Associated Press, Hamad made no apology for either the high number of civilian deaths in Israel or the growing death toll in Gaza.

IDF-Hamas clashes between Beit Hanoun and Bureij refugee camp

The Israeli Air Force began attacking on Friday evening orHamas targets in northern Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian sources, clashes between IDF soldiers and Hamas terrorists are taking place between the city of Beit Hanoun and the Bureij refugee camp in the north of the Gaza Strip. This was stated by the Israeli military Some of his troops are actually fighting in the Gaza Strip, but refused to say whether the operation would be carried out the beginning of a full-scale land invasion. Israeli troops have been carrying out small-scale incursions for two days. “Our troops and tanks are in the Gaza Strip. They are shooting and operating,” said Major Nir Dinar, military spokesman. “But yesterday, too, our troops and tanks were in the Gaza Strip,” he added, the New York Times reported.

Hamas: “We are bombing the south of Israel”

The military wing of Hamas the Al-Qassam Brigadesmade this known the cities of Sderot and Ashdod, in the south of Israel and Ashkelon targeted with “intense rocket volleys”.. BBC correspondents in Ashkelon and Sderot confirmed that air raid sirens sounded. Palestinian rockets hit Ashkelon this morning without being intercepted by the terroristsIsraeli Iron Dome missile defense system.

Hamas is “ready” for an Israeli invasion of Gaza. “If Netanyahu decides to invade Gaza tonight, the resistance will be ready,” Ezzat al-Rishaq, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, said on Telegram. “The remains of its soldiers will be swallowed up by the land of Gaza.”

The White House: “Biden is following events very closely”

The White House is following events in Gaza and Israel “very, very closely.” A senior administration official provided more details about the White House’s response. The source said this in an interview with CBS President Joe Biden was briefed by the National Security Council this morning. “He will of course stay up to date with what is happening on the field throughout the weekend,” he said. “Naturally We are monitoring the situation very, very closely and we will stay in touch with our Israeli colleagues.”

UN Assembly votes on resolution for “immediate ceasefire”.

The United Nations General Assembly, which met in special session yesterday, voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution today Who asks the ““Immediate humanitarian ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas’ Palestinian militants and access to humanitarian assistance for the besieged population in the Gaza Strip. In contrast to those of the Security Council, the resolution presented by the Arab states is not binding, but has political weight. The text was adopted to applause with 120 votes in favour, 45 abstentions and 14 against, including Israel and the United States. The General Assembly voted after the Security Council failed to adopt four resolutions, including one from the United States and two from Russia.

Latest news: Israel expands ground operations


The United Nations Assembly

Italy abstained from voting on the ceasefire resolution in Gaza

Italy is among the Parsi members who abstained from voting on the Gaza ceasefire resolution presented by Arab states and adopted by a large majority by the United Nations General Assembly. The United Kingdom and Germany also abstained. France, among others, voted for it. In his speech expected in the evening, Italian Ambassador Maurizio Massari will explain Italy’s position.

Tajani: “Lost contact with the Italians in Gaza”

The Italian consulate in Jerusalem has lost contact with Italians in the Gaza Strip. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said this in an interview with Tg3. “We are in contact with the consulate in Jerusalem, which in turn maintained contact with our compatriots until they became unreachable. Our embassy in Cairo is ready to go to the Rafah border crossing if it is decided to allow foreigners to leave the border. Gaza Strip and from there we take them to the Egyptian capital and then to Italy.”

Hamas’ appeal to the international community

Latest news: Israel expands ground operations

Hamas is calling on the international community to “act immediately” to stop Israeli bombings of Gaza, which have increased significantly this evening. “We call on Arab and Muslim countries and the international community to live up to their responsibilities and take immediate action to stop the crimes and massacres against our people,” the Palestinian Islamist movement said in a statement.

According to Hamas, “lDisruption of communications and the Internet in the Gaza Strip and the intensification of air, sea and land bombing of residential neighborhoods indicate new murders that the occupier wants to commit in full view of the media and the world.” Hamas attributed full responsibility to Israel and its American ally “as well as.” all countries that support it.”

ActionAid says it has also lost contact with colleagues in Gaza. The charity says it is “extremely concerned for their safety and that of all people in Gaza.”

“The power outage isolates the population and makes it almost impossible for them to seek help, share your stories or stay in touch with your loved ones. “This isolation is compounding the suffering of those already facing a terrible humanitarian crisis related to increasing airstrikes on civilians,” the BBC said in a statement.

Attempts throughout the day to contact journalists and health officials in Gaza by telephone and social media were unsuccessful. At first there were only short replies via WhatsApp and then not even a double check mark as confirmation of receipt.

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