1696847433 Israel For the US the Hamas attack is a wake

Israel: For the US, the Hamas attack is a wake up call for aid to Ukraine Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ

The Hamas attack also caught Washington off guard. President Biden wants to support Israel with “all appropriate means.” But without a new president, Congress cannot approve additional relief funds. The new dynamic could now also help Kiev.

The US President promised Israel the full support of the United States on Saturday, but the blockade in Congress currently limits the funds available.

The US President promised Israel the full support of the United States on Saturday, but the blockade in Congress currently limits the funds available.

Yuri Gripas/Imago

The bloody attack on Israel by Hamas, supported by Iran, is another setback in American President Joe Biden’s foreign policy. His government tried to mediate normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia. In order to counter Chinese influence in the Gulf, in particular, Riyadh should possibly receive extensive security guarantees and access to nuclear technologies from Washington in exchange for a deal with Israel. However, taking into account the expected Israeli counter-offensive with many Palestinian victims, such an Israeli-Saudi “peace agreement” is becoming very distant.