Israel Gaza war Shani Louk a Hamas hostage has died

Israel Gaza war: Shani Louk, a Hamas hostage, has died War in the Middle East

“Unfortunately, yesterday we received the news that my daughter is no longer alive,” said the mother of Shani Louk, the 22-year-old German-Israe who was kidnapped by Hamas and recognized in a video in which the terrorists showed her helpless and carried them half helplessly. naked on a jeep. This is reported by Bild, which also relies on a confirmation from the young woman’s sister. In recent weeks it emerged that Shani was still alive but “seriously injured” in a hospital in Gaza. The family had made several calls for help to the German government. On October 7, Shani Louk attended a music rave attacked by Hamas terrorists.

Shani Louk’s mother received confirmation of her daughter’s death from the Israeli army. According to the girl’s sister, who has access to the picture, the girl’s body has not yet been found. However, there is evidence from DNA from a skull bone. The family had already made the girl’s DNA available for possible matches some time ago. The young girl’s mother now suspects that Shani was shot in the head on October 7th.

The video on the Hamas fighters’ truck

The family has made their daughter’s German citizenship public in the hope that German authorities can take action in the event of a possible prisoner exchange. “The woman is lying on the ‘truck’ with her face down. Several men trample on her seemingly lifeless body. A man pulls her hair, another spits on her bleeding head. The men shout ‘Allahu Akbar’, ‘Allah is great.’ “Then the jeep speeds away”: As the site describes, this can be seen in a video “that is circulating on the Internet” and shows the last pictures of the young woman from the family’s possessions. After receiving a call several hours after the abduction, the parents “never heard from their 22-year-old daughter again, but their bank informed them that her credit card “was used in Gaza.”

The mother, Ricarda Louk, was born in Regensburg, Bavaria, and now lives in Israel “about 80 kilometers from the Gaza Strip,” where she emigrated “thirty years ago.” Her husband, Shani Louk’s father, is Israeli and together they have four children, of which the abductee is the second child who lives alone in Tel Aviv, but her mother knew that she had gone to a concert “in the south”.

Herzog: “Beheaded by Hamas animals”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog has confirmed the death of 22-year-old German-Israeli Shani Louk, who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. “His skull was found,” Herzog told Bild. “This means that these barbaric and sadistic animals simply cut off her head while attacking, torturing and killing. It is a great tragedy and I express my deepest condolences to the family.” Only now has it been possible to identify Shani’s body, explained Herzog, adding that the identification of 40 other bodies is still pending because people are mistreated in the most cruel way, were burned or dismembered

Scholz: “The murder of Shani Louk shows the barbarism of Hamas”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the murder of the young German-Israeli Shani Louk as an act that “demonstrates all the barbarism behind the Hamas attack.” World reports about it. Scholz said that Hamas must be held responsible for this reason. Scholz is currently visiting Lagos, Nigeria.

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