Israel Government loses majority in Knesset PULSE 24

Israel: Government loses majority in Knesset | PULSE 24

Political Drama in Israel: According to media reports, a member of the ruling Yamina party has surprisingly resigned. As a result, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition lost its slim majority in parliament, Israeli media unanimously reported on Wednesday.

Bennett’s new government took office in mid-June last year. Israel’s long-term political crisis, with four elections in two years, is over for now. The coalition was supported by a total of eight parties from the right to the left – including an Arab party for the first time.

Coalition leader Idit Silman reportedly resigned over a dispute over religious issues. The question was whether or not fermented foods (chametz) could be taken to hospitals during the Jewish festival of Passover. Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of a “courageous decision” by Silman.