Israel Hamas at war current news In Tel Aviv

Israel Hamas at war, current news | In Tel Aviv the police disperse the demonstrators against the …

• It is the 112th day of the war: over 26,000 people have been killed in Gaza. According to the UN, 70% of the victims are women or children (data from January 18). According to a US intelligence estimate, Israeli security forces have killed only 20-30% of Hamas fighters (January 21). In Israel, 1,200 people died in the attack on October 7th.
• The Hague court warns Israel: “Take measures to avoid genocide.” But the UN court does not call for a ceasefire
• The Houthis claim responsibility for the attack on a British oil tanker in the Red Sea
• Rumors of an agreement to release the hostages: There would be an agreement in principle

9:57 p.m. – Germany stops funding UNRWA

Germany announced in the evening that it would suspend funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) until the question of the possible involvement of some of its employees in the October 7 attack is clarified. “Until this is clarified, Germany, in agreement with the other donor countries, will temporarily not grant approval for new resources for UNRWA in Gaza,” the Foreign Ministry and the Development Ministry said, specifying: “At the moment there is no pending commitment.”

9:46 p.m. – UNRWA: “The suspension of funding for the organization is shocking”

“So far, nine countries have temporarily stopped funding UNRWA. These decisions jeopardize our humanitarian work throughout the region, particularly in the Gaza Strip. “It is shocking to see a suspension of funding in response to allegations against a small group of staff, particularly in light of UNRWA’s immediate action by terminating their contracts and calling for a transparent and independent investigation,” said a note from the Commissioner General of the UNRWA According to Philippe Lazzarini Agency, “over 2 million people in Gaza depend on UNRWA for their survival alone.”

9:39 p.m. – Netanyahu: The demonstrations strengthen Hamas' demands

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the demonstrations by the hostages' families would not help efforts to reach an agreement for their release and would “only strengthen Hamas' demands.” The Times of Israel reports on it. In response, members of the Hostages' Families Forum said they “expect the Prime Minister to remember that he is an elected official whose job it is to correct the mistakes of October 7, not to rebuke those whose Family members were kidnapped.” »

8:55 p.m. – Police disperse demonstrators in Tel Aviv, some arrests

Clashes broke out between around 200 demonstrators and police during an anti-government demonstration on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv. Haaretz reports it. Police forcibly removed the protesters who tried to block the road several times and some of them were arrested. In addition, police confiscated protesters' signs and other items.

8:03 p.m. – Netanyahu: “Qatar must put pressure on Hamas leaders to release hostages.”

“Qatar hosts the Hamas leaders, finances them and has influence over them.” Qatar has offered to mediate: let them apply pressure”: This is what Benyamin Netanyahu said at a meeting with the press. “They promised to send medicine to the hostages. We'll wait and see whether they do the same.” With regard to the tensions with Qatar and Egypt, he reiterated: “I will not give up any way to put pressure on Hamas.” I am constantly busy with the hostages, I don't need to be pushed become. “I myself – he recalled – was injured during the hostage rescue on a Sabena plane (1972) and my brother died in a similar operation in Uganda in 1976.”

7:11 p.m. – Netanyahu: “In Gaza they raise their children with Mein Kampf”

“This is Hitler’s Mein Kampf in Arabic.” It was found in Gaza: This is how they raise their children. After we destroy Hamas, there will no longer be anyone in Gaza who will raise their children this way.” This was what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said when he showed the text found by soldiers in the Gaza Strip on television. “There is nothing more absurd than that, on the eve of Remembrance Day in The Hague, they accused us of being responsible for the genocide.” On behalf of the new Nazis, South Africa brought the charges and did not throw them down the stairs.” “If we Hamas “Don't destroy,” he added, “the next massacre is only a matter of time.”

7:05 p.m. – Pro-Palestine sit-in strike in Rome: Netanyahu's dummy dressed as a deportee is unmasked by a demonstrator

Among mothers with strollers and elderly people wearing keffiyeh, a macabre mannequin with the face of Benjamin Netanyahu dressed as a deportee also appeared at the pro-Palestine demonstration in Rome: the Star of David on his chest, his blood stained Hands handcuffed with a Jewish star, swastika and several chains around the neck. Exposed by a young Palestinian, several participants in the sit-in in Piazza Vittorio in the Esquilino neighborhood called on him to remove it and ordered him to “remove the antics.”

6:59 p.m. – Gaza, the French hospital ship leaves Egypt

The French ship “Dixmode”, anchored in the Egyptian port of Al-Arish, will return to France this Saturday after two months of work as a floating hospital.

6:42 p.m. – Protesters in Tel Aviv demand Netanyahu's resignation

Demonstrators from various groups and organizations gathered in Habima Square in Tel Aviv this evening for the anti-government demonstration. Near the stage, demonstrators carry signs denouncing the alleged failure of the October 7 government and calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among them are members of the Pink Front, an anti-Netanyahu protest group founded in 2020. Further back is a group of peace organizations calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the Israeli military presence in the West Bank.

6:02 p.m. – Israel thanks for suspending funding to UNRWA

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz thanked the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia and Finland for suspending funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees and Work for Palestinians in the Near East (UNRWA) due to alleged collusion by some members of the organization with the Islamist group Hamas. “I invite other nations to join this initiative. UNRWA's ties to Hamas, providing safe havens for terrorists and maintaining their rule are undeniable. UNRWA leadership must be fired and thoroughly investigated,” Katz said in a statement.

Israel claims that a dozen UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 Hamas attack. “We have been warning for years: UNRWA is perpetuating the refugee issue, hindering peace and acting as the civilian wing of Hamas in Gaza,” Katz said, emphasizing that he would personally advocate for policies that ensure UNRWA is not part of it be the operations in Gaza once the war is over.

5:14 p.m. – US to China: Use their influence with Iran on the Houthis

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan urged Beijing to use its influence over Iran to block Houthi attacks in the Red Sea during his recent meeting in Bangkok with Beijing's top diplomat Wang Yi. A senior White House official said this in a telephone briefing.

5:12 p.m. – About a thousand demonstrators in Piazza Vittorio in Rome, tensions in Milan

According to qualified sources, around a thousand pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in Rome's Piazza Vittorio Emanuele for a sit-in in support of Gaza. The demonstrators gather in a meeting and interventions take turns on the square.

5:11 p.m. – Hamas against UNRWA: dismissals due to Zionist allegations

Hamas condemned UNRWA's decision to fire 12 of its employees “based on information from the Zionist enemy” and called for its reversal. In a new statement on Telegram, he attacked the UN agency for “calling the resistance of the Palestinian people terrorism.” “It is not the role of UNRWA to announce political positions on the conflict,” but – he added – “to defend the rights of the refugees it represents.” “The right to protect and resist the occupation – by all means,” he concluded.

4:39 p.m. – Israel, a video of displaced people chanting: “We want to overthrow Hamas”

Cogat (the Israeli civil and military governing body of the territories) released a video showing many southern Gaza residents walking down a humanitarian corridor chanting, “The people want to overthrow Hamas.” Cogat – which posted the video on its Facebook page – said , that the images were taken yesterday and were taken along the humanitarian corridor that the army has opened and secured in recent days in the western part of Khan Yunis, where fierce fighting with Hamas and Hamas is taking place, which “allows residents to to reach the humanitarian zone of Moassi”.

2:47 p.m. – Finland and the United Kingdom also stop funding UNRWA

Following the United States, Canada, Australia and Italy, the United Kingdom also announced the suspension of funding to UNRWA after Israel accused some of its members of involvement in the October 7 Hamas attack. “The UK is shocked” and has decided to “temporarily suspend all funding” to the UN agency for the Palestinians while it investigates the allegations, the Foreign Office said. Finland has also joined the list of countries that have withdrawn their financial support. UNRWA responded to the evidence provided by Israel by launching an internal investigation and dismissing “several” staff members.

12:03 p.m. – Hamas: “UN will not give in to Israel's blackmail against UNRWA”

“We call on the United Nations and international institutions not to give in to the threats and blackmail of this villainous Nazi entity that seeks to cut off all lifelines of our people,” Hamas wrote on Telegram, emphasizing “the importance of the role of.” These organizations provide aid to our people and document the crimes of the occupation that surpass the most horrific crimes of our modern times.”

10:58 a.m. – Israel wants to stop UNRWA activities in Gaza after the war

Israel will try to prevent UNRWA from operating in Gaza after the war. Foreign Minister Israel Katz made this statement in light of the Jewish state's allegations against several operators of the organization that they were involved in the Hamas attack on October 7th. On this point, Israel will try to win support from the US, the EU and the agency's other main donors, Katz added.

10:36 a.m. – Israel: “UN should take immediate action against UNRWA leaders”

“We call on the UN to take immediate action against the UNRWA leadership,” said Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz after thanking the United States and Canada for their decision to stop funding UNRWA due to the links of 12 of its employees to Hamas to suspend the October 7 attack. “We have been warning for years: UNRWA is perpetuating the refugee issue, hindering peace and serving as the civilian wing of Hamas in Gaza.” Katz, who hoped other countries would follow the example of the United States and Canada, stressed that UNRWA would pay a price for being have to pay for action. UNRWA is not the solution.”

10.12 a.m. – Tajani: “Unrwa funding suspended”

“The Italian government has suspended UNRWA funding following Hamas's horrific attack on Israel on October 7.” Allied countries have recently made the same decision. We are committed to providing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian population and protecting Israel's security,” Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani announced in a post on X.

9:46 a.m. – Israel: “UN should take immediate action against UNRWA leaders”

“We call on the UN to take immediate action against the UNRWA leadership,” said Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz after thanking the United States and Canada for their decision to stop funding UNRWA due to the links of 12 of its employees to Hamas to suspend the October 7 attack. “We have been warning for years: UNRWA is perpetuating the refugee issue, hindering peace and serving as the civilian wing of Hamas in Gaza.” Katz, who hoped other countries would follow the example of the United States and Canada, stressed that UNRWA would pay a price for being have to pay for action. UNRWA is not the solution.”

8:58 a.m. – According to the Israeli army, at least 11 militiamen were killed in Khan Younis

Aircraft, tanks and infantry troops have killed at least 11 Palestinian fighters in fighting in Khan Younis, Gaza, in the past 24 hours, according to the Israeli army. The forces targeted militants who tried to plant explosives near the troops and others who fired rifles and grenades at the soldiers, an Israeli army statement said.

8:34 a.m. – Israel: “The army continues its operations in Khan Yunis”

The Israeli army continues its operations in Khan Yunis, the Hamas stronghold in the southern Gaza Strip. This was announced by the military spokesman, after which the soldiers “carried out targeted raids on terrorist targets, including a weapons depot containing large quantities of ammunition, rifles and various technical aids.” According to the same source, an airstrike eliminated “three terrorists who were planning to plant explosives next to the troops.” “Numerous terrorists were killed” – he added – in various “hand-to-hand” battles.

8:13 a.m. – Alarm sirens in northern Israel on the border with Lebanon

Rocket warning sirens sound in northern Israel on the border with Lebanon. This was announced by the military spokesman. It's the second alarm within an hour.

8:05 a.m. – “Twelve UN employees are involved in the Hamas raids on October 7th.” Guterres: “Horrified”

(by Francesco Battistini) 'We will come with soldiers you cannot face!' And we will drive you away!' When Professor Sara Al Dirawi proudly posted a video of the October 7 massacres and commented on them with little hearts and a surah from the Koran, no one was too surprised: like her, a teacher at UNRWA schools in Gaza, they didn't think You so many of his colleagues?

No comment, not even from Philippe Lazzarini, the Swiss who has headed the UN refugee agency for four years. But yes: why talk about this other story, the former Israeli hostage who was held captive without food or medicine right in the house of an Unrwa teacher? Yesterday, however, Commissioner Lazzarini could not remain silent. Because Israel has proven what it has long claimed: there was “direct” involvement of at least twelve UN employees on October 7th.

And why the White House, which pays UNRWA $343 million annually, decided to suspend funding. “These are shocking allegations,” Lazzarini admitted. I promise to fire this dozen immediately. To initiate an internal investigation. And to even prosecute “any employee involved in terrorist attacks.”

6:12 a.m. – Canada also stops funding the UNRWA agency

Following the United States, Canada will also suspend additional funding for UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, after launching an investigation into the alleged involvement of some of the agency's employees in Hamas' latest attack against Israel on October 7. The Canadian federal government's decision was announced by International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen. “Canada takes these reports very seriously and is working closely with UNRWA and other donors on this matter,” the minister said in a statement after directly addressing Philippe Lazzarini, the agency’s commissioner general. It was the Israeli authorities who provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of some of its employees in the attack by the Palestinian Islamic group. “In order to protect the agency’s ability to provide humanitarian assistance,” Lazzarini assured, “I have made the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these employees and launch an immediate investigation to find out the truth.” With over 30,000 employees, UNRWA is, along with the administration of the Gaza Strip, the most important organization in Gaza.

3:18 a.m. – The US attacks the Houthi rebels' missile launch site in Yemen

US forces in the Red Sea have attacked a launch site of the Houthi rebels in Yemen. According to the Centcom mission command, a missile launch against a merchant ship transiting the Red Sea was imminent. The attack occurred at 3:45 a.m. local time. The missile was discovered in Houthi-controlled territory and was considered an “imminent threat” to merchant vessels and U.S. Navy vessels transiting the area. Centcom then reported that hours earlier the rebels had fired a ballistic missile against the oil tanker Marlin Luanda, which was flying the Marshall Islands flag in the Gulf of Aden near the Red Sea. The attack claimed by the Houthis caused damage, but no injuries were reported. The Iran-backed rebels said they had fired over 200 drones and 50 missiles against Western merchant ships and warships in the Red Sea since November 19, with the aim of inflicting economic damage on Israel and supporting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

3:15 a.m. – UN, Wednesday Security Council on Hague court ruling

The UN Security Council will meet on Wednesday to consider the International Court of Justice's decision calling on Israel to prevent a “genocide” in Gaza. This was announced by the French Council Presidency. The summit, which will take place at 5 p.m. Italian time, was requested by Algeria “to give implementing effect to the decision of the International Court of Justice on interim measures against the Israeli occupation,” according to the Algerian Foreign Ministry.

02:35 a.m. – Allegations against UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees: “12 employees involved in the attack on Israel on October 7th”

On Friday January 26, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) announced that it had opened an investigation into some of its employees.

They are believed to have been involved in the Hamas attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, in which around 1,200 people died and another 240 were kidnapped.

“The Israeli authorities have provided us with information about the possible involvement of some UNRWA staff in the horrific attacks against Israel,” said Philippe Lazzarini, the organization’s commissioner general. Lazzarini also announced that he had immediately stopped working with the defendants “to ensure the agency's ability to continue humanitarian assistance.”

02:07 – THE ANALYSIS – Why the Hague Court’s ruling is balanced

(by Paolo Busco – lawyer, internationalist lawyer, Twenty Essex Chambers, London; Filippo Fontanelli – Professor of International Law, Edinburgh and Catholic University of Milan) The International Court of Justice in The Hague, the main judicial body of the United Nations, has ordered Israel to stop the commission of To prevent acts of genocide in Gaza and to provide humanitarian aid to the local population. The court therefore only partially accepted South Africa's applications of December 29th. The order concludes the preliminary phase of urgent action in a process that could last years in which the court will consider allegations that Israel is committing acts of genocide in Gaza in violation of the Genocide Convention.

Any state party to this Convention, such as South Africa, may sue any of the other 152 before the Court of Justice in The Hague. As this appeal shows, it is not necessary that the accusation relate to facts committed in the territory of the plaintiff State. because commitments related to the prevention of genocide protect the collective interest of the signatory states and the international community in general.

2:07 a.m. – “Israel protects civilians,” but The Hague does not call for a ceasefire. Netanyahu's anger

(by Davide Frattini, correspondent from Jerusalem) The airline El Al has decided to close the Israel-South Africa route until the end of March, also because there is little left to negotiate between the two nations. There was no need to wait for the International Court of Justice's decision; the number of passengers had become too low after the government in Johannesburg submitted the petition alleging genocide for the war against Hamas being waged in Gaza to the judges in The Hague.

President Joan Donoghue read through the resolution for over 35 minutes, drinking from her glass of water, more to punctuate the passages than to soothe a dry throat. The six measures are defined as “provisional” as the court recognizes that it has jurisdiction over the case (Israeli representatives called for rejection) but acknowledges that it will take years to address them while “the catastrophic humanitarian “The situation is in danger of deteriorating.” .

02:04 a.m. – The Arab League is satisfied with the ruling of the Court in The Hague

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the Arab League, welcomed the International Court of Justice's ruling on Israel's military operations in Gaza. Ahmed Aboul Gheit emphasized that “the verdict represents a triumph for human values ​​and resolves the controversy surrounding the blatant violation of international law and humanitarian standards in the Gaza war.” This is according to an Arab League statement released after the International Court of Justice rejected Israel's request to dismiss the case brought by South Africa over alleged violations of the Genocide Convention in the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip. Ahmed Aboul Gheit stressed “the need to fully and immediately implement the decisions set out in the judgment.” Gamal Roshdy, spokesman for the secretary-general, said the court's interim decision paves the way for strong diplomatic and legal action at both the Arab and global levels to stop Israel's barbaric war in the Gaza Strip. Aboul Gheit expressed hope that the court's initial decision would lead to a complete and immediate end to the war.