1699574927 Israel Hamas conflict UQAM rector and professors targeted by hateful leaflets

Israel-Hamas conflict: UQAM rector and professors targeted by “hateful leaflets” –

In recent days, “hate leaflets” have been distributed at UQAM against the rector and professors, another incident that illustrates the level of polarization that the issue of the Israel-Hamas conflict has reached on university campuses.

“This should be taken very seriously. As soon as we have the feeling that it could be an anti-Semitic gesture, we have to intervene,” said Rector Stéphane Pallage in a telephone interview.

In an email sent to UQAM staff on Thursday, Mr Pallage denounced the fact that leaflets were being circulated targeting him personally.

The new rector, who took office last spring, would be specifically named in a leaflet that referred to him as a “Zionist.” Zionism is the political movement of a part of the Jewish people aimed at creating a Jewish state in Palestine.

The Journal was unable to see the leaflets in question, but a source provided examples of their content. “Despite the ambiguity of the idiot who serves as our mascot, the message he wants to convey is, all in all, quite clear: the genocide of the Palestinians is none of our business; Let the ethnic cleansing take its course,” the leaflet accuses.

  • Listen to the interview with Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education, at the microphone of Mario Dumont on QUB radio:

Jewish sounding names

The anti-Semitic nature of the leaflets was evident in the way they were distributed. Professors with Jewish-sounding names discovered that these leaflets had been slipped under their office doors, Mr. Pallage explains.

“As a university, UQAM has a duty to promote peace and respect,” denounces the rector.

Professor François Audet, a specialist in humanitarian crises, is also said to be mentioned by name in one of the leaflets. He is not teaching this session but is used to speaking in the media.

“Sure, the authors [des tracts] “I didn’t bother to research my statements,” says Mr. Audet, who is keenly interested in the impact of bombings on civilians.


François Audet from the Canadian Observatory on Crises and Humanitarian Aid. Courtesy, archive photo

“It’s a bit unfortunate. They are doing current concerns a disservice,” he laments. “It’s the first time in 30 years that I’ve seen so much polarization.”

Incidents are increasing on campus these days that illustrate the heightened tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An altercation at Concordia University escalated to the point where three people were injured on Wednesday. A University of Montreal lecturer was filmed at the scene insulting Jewish students.

“Sharing” posters

At UQAM, the authors of the leaflets are still unknown, says the rector. It is also not known whether they are members of the Uqamish community or not.

A source who consulted a leaflet states that there is a reference to a Marxist group called La Riposte Socialiste.

Simon Berger, a student at UQAM and activist within the group, responded to our interview request.

He states that he is not aware of the leaflets that are personally addressed to professors or the rector. “Your email taught me,” he says.

Although Mr. Berger distances himself from the leaflets, he does not condemn them. He denounces the attitude of the UQAM administration, which he describes as “shameful”.

The origin of this affair appears to be linked to posters entitled “Intifada to Victory” that were placed at UQAM on the occasion of a public rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people on October 16.


FACEBOOK PHOTO Screenshot Screenshot of the October 16, 2023 Facebook event organized by La riposte sociale. Under the title “Intifada to Victory,” the event is intended to be an action of solidarity with the Palestinian people. However, UQAM Student Life Services asked the group to remove the posters. FACEBOOK PHOTO Screenshot Facebook Screenshot

Student Life Services asked the group to remove the posters because the topic was “too controversial,” explains Mr. Berger. “This is an attack on freedom of expression.”

For him, this leaflet story is a “distraction.” “There are 10,000 people being murdered by an occupying army. That’s the most important.”

“While genocide is taking place in Palestine, they [l’administration] care about peace at their university. For me it is complicity with the actions of Israeli imperialism,” said Mr. Berger.