1697174209 Israel Hamas News from todays war

Israel Hamas: News from today’s war

The UN: “The Israeli army has warned 1.1 million Gazans to move south within 24 hours. The United Nations urges that this order, if confirmed, be repealed to avoid what is already a tragedy turning into a catastrophe.” Said the UN spokesman. Then the warning to the population : “It’s for your safety.” You will be notified when you can return to your homes. Israel yesterday showed the world photos of Hamas atrocities and promised that the terrorist organization would be “dismantled” as happened to ISIS. US -Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv, Jordan and will be in Qatar in the evening. Work is underway to release the hostages. Today, EU leaders in Israel are on alert following Hamas’s call for ” Friday of Rage.” The WSJ: “You will find detailed maps of Hamas militants with the targets at the locations of the attacks.”

Important points

  • 06:32

    The army to the population: “We will significantly impact Gaza”

  • 04:53

    The UN: “Israeli army evacuation order for 1.1 million Gaza residents: Leave the north within 24 hours”


The army to the population: “We will significantly impact Gaza”

The Israeli military operation is about to begin. Confirmation that the Israeli army has ordered the evacuation of the northern Gaza Strip. “It is for your safety,” it said, addressing the population of over 1.1 million Palestinians who must leave the area within 24 hours and seek refuge in the south. The army will “carry out significant attacks on the urban area of ​​Gaza in the coming days.” The Israeli army warned against approaching the border fence area.


The UN: “Israeli army evacuation order for 1.1 million Gaza residents: Leave the north within 24 hours”

According to the Israeli army, around 1.1 million Palestinians must move from Gaza to the south of the territory within the next 24 hours. The UN reported it. “The United Nations believes it is impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences,” spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement quoted by Portal. “The United Nations strongly appeals that this order, if confirmed, be repealed to prevent what is already a tragedy from turning into a catastrophe.” Dujarric explained that the Israeli army’s order was also applies to United Nations personnel and those who have sought refuge in its facilities. The order could signal an impending ground offensive, but there has been no confirmation.

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Heavy bombings in Gaza at night

Heavy Israeli bombings also hit the Gaza Strip at night, especially near the border. This is evidenced by videos that residents posted on social media and a statement from the Israeli Air Force. “Even at night and at any time, hundreds of IAF aircraft continue to attack fiercely, seriously damaging the enemy’s capabilities”: This is the comment on a video posted by the Israeli Air Force on social media. Israel says it dropped 6,000 bombs weighing 4,000 tons on Hamas targets in Gaza in six days, hitting more than 3,600 targets.

Gaza on its knees: “Without water and electricity we will all die here”

by Sami al-Ajrami October 13, 20231697174195 951 Israel Hamas News from todays war


WP: “Israel used white phosphorus in the Gaza Strip”

A video from one of Israel’s attacks on Gaza on Wednesday appears to show the use of white phosphorus, the controversial munition that can cause serious harm when used against civilians. This is reported by the Washington Post, citing an analysis by Human Rights Watch. The video, confirmed by The Washington Post, shows two artillery shells being fired at the targets in rapid succession, automatically releasing white phosphorus after the explosion. In a statement, Human Rights Watch confirmed that white phosphorus was used over Gaza City.


“Rage Friday” alert

The entire world is on alert at Hamas’s call for demonstrations aimed at throwing the entire Middle East and beyond into turmoil. France has banned all types of pro-Palestine demonstrations, while police and intelligence services in other European countries, including Italy, as well as the United States, are on high alert. The mayor of New York, “no credible threat at this time.” Israel has urged its supporters to avoid initiatives that could lead to tensions and violence.


Israeli army: “250 hostages rescued on Saturday”

“The elite Flotilla 13 unit was deployed around the Gaza Security Barrier on October 7 to jointly regain control of the Sufa military post. The soldiers saved the lives of around 250 hostages. Over 60 Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were arrested, including Muhammad Abu A’ali, the deputy commander of Hamas’ southern marine division. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) wrote this in a post on


WHO alert: Gaza’s health system is on the verge of collapse

The health system in the Gaza Strip is “on the verge of collapse” and “time is running out to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe”: this is the alarm message from the World Health Organization (WHO) after the 34 attacks carried out on the health infrastructure since Saturday Israel after the Hamas attack. The bombings killed 11 workers, injured 16 others and damaged 19 health facilities and 20 ambulances, the UN agency said.

Gaza on its knees: “Without water and electricity we will all die here”

by Sami al-Ajrami October 13, 20231697174195 951 Israel Hamas News from todays war


Advertisements on social media make fun of elderly hostages, Israel closes a pizzeria in the West Bank

Israeli IDF soldiers closed a pizzeria in Hawara, West Bank, after it posted an ad on social media mocking an elderly Israeli woman who had been taken hostage by Hamas. Haaretz reports it. The military intervened after Channel 12 television broadcast the advertisement and a group of settlers attempted to attack the site. Soldiers and border police intervened, dispersed the settlers and stopped two of them.


Human Rights Watch: Israeli forces use white phosphorus in Gaza

Human Rights Watch “confirmed, based on videos and witness statements, that Israeli forces used white phosphorus during military operations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip on October 10 and 11, 2023, respectively, in the port of Gaza City and in two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border .” That’s what the association writes. HRW continues that white phosphorus, which can be used as a smoke screen or as a weapon, “has the potential to cause harm to civilians due to the severe burns it causes and its long-term persistent effects on survivors.” Its use occurs in densely populated areas Territories in the Gaza Strip violate the requirements of international humanitarian law.” Finally, the Association emphasizes the need to review the status and adequacy of Protocol III of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), currently the only international law dedicated to the regulation of dedicated to incendiary weapons.


Blinken has arrived in Amman and will meet Abbas and the King of Jordan. He will travel to Qatar on the same day

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Amman, Jordan. Blinken will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah II later in the day. After Jordan, Blinken will travel to Qatar, a key player in talks with Hamas to secure the release of the terror group’s hostages.


In Gaza there were 1,537 deaths and 6,000 bombs dropped

1,537 Palestinians died in the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, including 500 children and 276 women: this was reported by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, citing the Washington Post. The number of injured was 6,612, including 1,644 children.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force continued to report

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(afp) 01:53

Blinken’s warning: “Israel must defend itself, but what matters”

Israel has a duty to defend itself and the United States is committed to supporting it, but “we democracies are different from terrorists because we try to apply different standards, even when it is difficult.” That is why it is so important “To take all possible precautions to prevent civilians from being harmed.” This is the message that Secretary of State Blinken delivered to Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday, at the start of a dramatic diplomatic mission that now extends to the entire region and is now shared by all Law firms, including the Italian one, are seen as the last opportunity to punish Hamas without helping to expand the conflict. Blinken continues his diplomatic efforts in Qatar today. (Continue reading)

Blinken’s warning: “Israel must defend itself, but what matters”

by Tommaso Ciriaco and our correspondent Paolo Mastrolilli October 13, 20231697174199 17 Israel Hamas News from todays war


Blinken arrives in Amman and works to release hostages

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Amman, Jordan. CNN reports on it. He will meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah II later in the day. The intensive diplomatic action – it is explained – leads the United States to seek solutions to stop the expansion of the conflict between Hamas and Israel, try to secure the release of the hostages and work with Egypt and Israel to achieve a humanitarian to open a corridor from the Gaza Strip. After Jordan, Blinken will travel to Qatar, which is seen as a key player in talks with Hamas to secure the release of the hostages.

The Jerusalem Ultimatum

Israel, it’s about hostages: USA and Qatar are blocking the 6 billion to Iran

by our correspondent Francesca Caferri, October 13, 20231697174202 416 Israel Hamas News from todays war


“Hamas had detailed maps of Israeli bases and cities.”

The Hamas militants were armed with detailed maps of cities and military bases they planned to attack when they came to Israel to attack. The documents, written in Arabic, were recovered from the attack sites and are now being examined by Israeli authorities. The Wall Street Journal reports on this and emphasizes that the documents indicate that not only military facilities but also civilians were targeted from the start. The documents also provide an opportunity to evaluate Hamas’ intelligence information and the level of planning of the attack.


Hamas accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza

Hamas accuses Israel of committing “genocide” in Gaza. This was reported by Al Jazeera, which reported the statements of Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas official. “Western countries that offer military aid to Israel,” he says, “are engaging in the killing of Palestinians instead of seeking a solution to the conflict and occupation.” According to Hamad, “there is no safe area in Gaza where the People could seek refuge or refuge. Every area and every building is potentially under attack. Everyone is targeted by Israel’s killings and at risk, including women, children, the elderly and even the disabled.” Hamad then condemns Israel’s “illegal and immoral” siege of the Gaza Strip, which is preventing fuel and humanitarian supplies from entering the area.” Israeli leaders,” Hamad continues, “are giving clear instructions to their army to carry out a genocide against more than two million citizens in the Gaza Strip. We are facing crimes unprecedented in modern history.”