Israel Hamas war, Gaza under siege: the latest news. LIVE

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reiterated Turkey’s intention to denounce war crimes committed by the Israeli government during military operations in the Gaza Strip. “We will not let Israel’s crimes go unpunished. We will trade in all appropriate forums. Everyone talks about the Israeli civilians killed, but unfortunately 13,000 innocent Palestinian civilians were killed. We cannot continue to justify this massacre with the Hamas attack on October 7th. That means.” not the way

“I have the right to explain this story,” Erdogan said on his return

from Germany, where he met with Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Erdogan accused European nations of applying “double standards” to the conflict in Ukraine. Last November 14, the AKP party of the Turkish president

submitted a file accusing the prime minister of genocide

Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu before the International Criminal Court. According to the disclosures, it is a 23-page dossier prepared by three lawyers close to Erdogan’s AKP party and the Turkish Justice Ministry. The file contains evidence of the use of weapons banned by international conventions in recent weeks’ bombings and calls on prosecutors in The Hague to collect evidence of crimes committed during military operations by the Israeli army.