1703123788 Israel Hamas war Gaza under siege the latest news today

Israel Hamas war, Gaza under siege: the latest news today, December 20. LIVE

We must help Israel “ensure that what happened on October 7th can never happen again” and “end the conflict as quickly as possible” to minimize the loss of life and suffering of civilians. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this during the year-end press conference regarding the war in Gaza. According to Blinken, it is necessary to negotiate the return of the hostages remaining in Gaza and prevent the conflict from spreading. “The United States and Israel want an agreement for a new pause in fighting that allows the hostages to be released,” but “the problem was and remains Hamas.” \N


The vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza has already been postponed twice. The draft resolution provides for “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors.”




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“,”postId”:”3f14b31f-6df1-4466-9af7-44f1d4967f96″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T22:58:00.160Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T23:58:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog termina qui:”,”content”:”

continua a seguire gli aggiornamenti su Sky TG24

“,”postId”:”52e530f1-255a-4e54-bb82-b07df1923310″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T22:30:39.689Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T23:30:39+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Generale Israele: nuova fase guerra, anche in nuove aree “,”content”:”

Il capo del comando meridionale dell’Esercito israeliano (Idf) , il maggiore generale Yaron Finkelman, afferma che l’esercito si trova in \”un’altra fase significativa dell’offensiva, in nuove aree\”. \”Questa offensiva continuerà e continuerà ad andare avanti. Continuerà con la pressione contro il nemico in superficie e nel sottosuolo. Continueremo ad avanzare qui e in altre aree in cui non abbiamo ancora manovrato\”, ha affermato parlando ai militari della 98.ma divisione a Khan Yunis (Gaza), come mostra un video delle Idf. 

“,”postId”:”c526d353-4da7-46ef-8f53-bba25e787c30″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T22:30:00.359Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T23:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Israele-Hamas, cos’è e come funziona il sistema Gospel usato per colpire Gaza”,”content”:”

L’esercito ebraico utilizza l’intelligenza artificiale per individuare e  bombardare gli obbiettivi dei terroristi all’interno della Striscia. Ma  dato il numero di civili palestinesi rimasti uccisi, alcuni analisti  internazionali nutrono dubbi sulla sua accuratezza. IL FOCUS

“,”postId”:”c09a365c-1957-4a43-b7bd-3fff665d704a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T22:02:39.202Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T23:02:39+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”888281″,”videoPageUrl”:”https://video.sky.it/news/mondo/video/medioriente-hamas-rifiuta-proposta-di-israele-su-tregua-888281″},”altBackground”:true,”postId”:”13bd590b-fb54-47e9-887c-4a820c38d001″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T22:00:00.749Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T23:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Yemen, chi sono gli Houthi e cosa hanno a che fare con la guerra Israele-Hamas”,”content”:”

Sciiti di stampo zaydita, controllano ormai da anni la capitale  yemenita Sana’a. Dietro di loro c’è l’Iran, alleato ideologico,  religioso e militare. In queste settimane il Pentagono ha detto di aver  intercettato missili e droni lanciati dagli Houthi e \”potenzialmente  indirizzati verso obiettivi in Israele\”. L’11 dicembre una petroliera  norvegese nel Mar Rosso è stata colpita da un missile houthi L’APPROFONDIMENTO

“,”postId”:”5a98af61-d0d9-414e-b4b0-5bcf47abeb4d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T21:40:00.966Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T22:40:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele-Hamas, da Gaza al ruolo degli Usa: la strategia di Netanyahu per il dopoguerra”,”content”:”

Mentre nella Striscia si continua a combattere, il premier  israeliano pensa già alla tattica da adottare successivamente al  conflitto. Già convocato un team ristretto con uomini dello Stato  ebraico e del Mossad e previsti colloqui con Stati Uniti, Arabia Saudita  ed Emirati Arabi Uniti LEGGI

“,”postId”:”a239f69f-31f2-43e0-b3eb-8241fb39e6fc”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T21:31:23.039Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T22:31:23+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Israele colpisce centro di comando di Hezbollah in sud Libano”,”content”:”

L’Esercito israeliano afferma che aerei da combattimento hanno colpito un centro di comando di Hezbollah nel sud del Libano in risposta ai ripetuti attacchi al confine. Nel frattempo, quattro razzi sono stati lanciati dalla Siria sulle alture di Golan, facendo scattare le sirene a Mas’ade e Ein Quiniyye. Lo riporta The Times of Israel. 

“,”postId”:”768ff878-ec1e-4f8c-9936-64872fcd801f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T21:00:00.927Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T22:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ehud Olmert a Sky TG24: \”Israele deve fornire una visione politica\””,”content”:”

Il governo Netanyahu e le forze di estrema destra al suo interno, ci dice l’ex premier israeliano, non vogliono il negoziato. L’INTERVISTA

“,”postId”:”b05f6bcb-7269-48ae-99f8-e444e6960725″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T20:53:54.587Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T21:53:54+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”\”Hamas ha rifiutato la proposta di Israele sulla tregua\””,”content”:”

Hamas ha rifiutato la proposta di Israele sulla una tregua e non accetterà un accordo finché la pausa dei combattimenti non sarà effettiva. Lo scrive il Wall Street Journal citando fonti dell’intelligence egiziana. Secondo quanto riferito, l’offerta israeliana prevedeva una settimana di tregua in cambio di 40 ostaggi.

“,”postId”:”4113bc76-f754-453b-af13-d713302c195c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T20:47:10.603Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T21:47:10+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”888269″,”videoPageUrl”:”https://video.sky.it/news/mondo/video/medioriente-trattativa-ostaggi-in-stallo-salta-seduta-onu-888269″},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Medioriente, trattativa sugli ostaggi in stallo: salta seduta Onu”,”postId”:”2cdeb916-754e-4866-9a8d-6790270f99ba”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T20:40:00.271Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T21:40:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”La guerra Israele-Hamas tra racconto giornalistico e fake news”,”content”:”

Il dibattito tra la direttrice di QN Agnese Pini, i direttori di  Repubblica Maurizio Molinari, del Corriere della Sera Luciano Fontana e  di Sky TG24 Giuseppe De Bellis, sul racconto del conflitto in  medioriente, nella ricerca quotidiana di un equilibrio nella narrazione  dei fatti e sul rischio sempre presente della diffusione di fake news. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO

“,”postId”:”c7cd4a1e-a37b-4ec6-b94c-84747c915ad8″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T20:20:00.779Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T21:20:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Israele-Hamas, l’attacco del 7 ottobre: tutto quello che non possiamo vedere”,”content”:”

Un video di 45 minuti con tutto ciò che non è stato mostrato il giorno  dell’attacco di Hamas a Israele. Il bilancio, dopo 40 giorni, ancora è  impreciso: oltre 1200 morti, circa 240 ostaggi. E una data che per  Israele ha il sapore dell’11 settembre americano. L’ANALISI

“,”postId”:”0f4357ac-d7e4-4d5f-a41b-910909c545c5″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T20:19:00.073Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T21:19:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Macron: \”Combattere terrorismo non significa spianare Gaza\””,”content”:”

Il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron ha affermato che combattere il terrorismo non significa \”spianare Gaza\”, riferendosi alla risposta di Israele dopo l’attacco senza precedenti dei militanti di Hamas il 7 ottobre scorso. \”Non possiamo lasciare che si radichi l’idea che una lotta efficace contro il terrorismo implica che Gaza sia spianata o che siano attaccate indiscriminatamente le popolazioni civili\”, ha precisato Macron all’emittente France 5.

“,”postId”:”2651fd6c-e3d2-4e92-a70f-d84240238fff”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T20:00:00.774Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T21:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Robot localizzatori e gel esplosivo: così l’Idf distrugge i tunnel sotto Gaza”,”content”:”

Gli  sforzi dell’esercito israeliano si concentrano ora nell’attaccare  le gallerie di Hamas. Secondo Israele lì si troverebbero le basi dei  terroristi, in quella rete di cunicoli costruiti sottoterra, a una  profondità che va dai 20 agli 80 metri circa. Tra pericoli, nuove e  vecchie tecnologie ed esplosivi, ecco le tattiche che vengono adottate. L’APPROFONDIMENTO

“,”postId”:”75e1c3f2-9b29-454a-b8f7-d4b13c2494c1″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T19:12:53.727Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T20:12:53+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Slitta a domani il voto all’Onu sulla risoluzione su Gaza”,”content”:”

Slitta nuovamente il voto al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite sulla nuova risoluzione su Gaza. \”Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha accettato di continuare i negoziati oggi per concedere più tempo alla diplomazia. E la presidenza riprogrammerà l’adozione per domani (giovedì) mattina\”, ha detto il presidente di turno dell’organismo, l’ambasciatore dell’Ecuador Jose Javier De La Gasca Lopez-Dominguez.

\n\n”,”postId”:”12f692d0-e655-4531-971e-c52544c63d67″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T18:26:23.978Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T19:26:23+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden, il bilancio di 20.000 morti a Gaza è una tragedia”,”content”:”

Il bilancio di 20.000 morti a Gaza è \”una tragedia\”. Lo ha detto il presidente Usa Joe Biden ai giornalisti a Milwaukee, in Wisconsin, rispondendo a una richiesta di commentare il nuovo bilancio fornito dalle autorità di Hamas.

\n\n”,”postId”:”c6e26310-4a21-47b8-82e6-201e205e30f0″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T18:06:44.299Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T19:06:44+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele, assunto controllo su un quartier generale di Hamas”,”content”:”

Nel centro di Gaza Israele ha assunto il controllo su un importante ‘quartier generale’ di Hamas, dentro il quale operava la leadership amministrativa e militare. Include aree utilizzate nel tempo dalle figure principali, fra cui Ismail Haniyeh, Yihia Sinwar e Muhammed Deif, il comandante militare. Lo ha reso noto il portavoce militare israeliano secondo cui il complesso – situato nella ‘Piazza Palestina’, nel rione Rimal – comprende edifici in superficie ed un’estesa rete di tunnel sviluppati in ”una citta’ terroristica sotterranea”. Trovati ”nascondigli, uffici ed anche appartamenti per i dirigenti di Hamas”.

“,”postId”:”892ff23b-dbf9-4670-bfb0-0a5af9aacec1″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T18:02:57.898Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T19:02:57+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele: assunto controllo su un quartier generale di Hamas”,”content”:”

Nel centro di Gaza Israele ha assunto il controllo su un importante ‘quartier generale’ di Hamas, dentro il quale operava la leadership amministrativa e militare. Include aree utilizzate nel tempo dalle figure principali, fra cui Ismail Haniyeh, Yihia Sinwar e Muhammed Deif, il comandante militare. Lo ha reso noto il portavoce militare israeliano secondo cui il complesso – situato nella ‘Piazza Palestina’, nel rione Rimal – comprende edifici in superficie ed un’estesa rete di tunnel sviluppati in ”una città terroristica sotterranea”. Trovati ”nascondigli, uffici ed anche appartamenti per i dirigenti di Hamas”. 

“,”postId”:”c966ff3a-7356-4086-997c-b0b57ef8b89d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T17:58:00.212Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T18:58:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: \”Facciamo pressione su Israele e Hamas per accordo\””,”content”:”

\”Stiamo facendo pressione. Non c’è alcuna aspettativa a questo punto, ma stiamo facendo pressione\”. Lo ha detto ai giornalisti al suo arrivo a Milwaukee, nel Wisconsin, il presidente americano Joe Biden, parlando della possibilità di un nuovo accordo tra Israele e Hamas per una tregua nei combattimenti e per il rilascio degli ostaggi. Poi ha definito \”tragica\” la morte di 20mila palestinesi nella Striscia di Gaza, secondo l’ultimo bilancio fornito da Hamas, a causa delle operazioni israeliane

“,”postId”:”db97f845-a7b8-40ba-8245-ac2a069a860c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-20T17:16:53.984Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-20T18:16:53+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Scontri con esercito presso Betlemme, morto un adolescente”,”content”:”

Un adolescente palestinese (Mahmud Zaoul) è stato colpito a morte oggi dal fuoco di militari israeliani all’ingresso del villaggio di Hussan, presso Betlemme, in Cisgiordania. Lo riferisce la agenzia di stampa palestinese Maan secondo cui all’ingresso di forze israeliane nel villaggio si sono verificati disordini nel corso dei quali il giovane è stato raggiunto al collo da un proiettile. L’esercito israeliano non ha ancora divulgato un propria versione di quanto è accaduto

“,”postId”:”4933c3ac-6237-4c2e-8746-f778bc25ced0″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “c88d8226-290f-4e9f-9341-a8f7ffa7e18c”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}' >

We must help Israel “ensure that what happened on October 7th can never happen again” and “end the conflict as quickly as possible” to minimize the loss of life and suffering of civilians. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this during the year-end press conference regarding the war in Gaza. According to Blinken, it is necessary to negotiate the return of the hostages remaining in Gaza and prevent the conflict from spreading. “The United States and Israel want an agreement for a new pause in fighting that allows the hostages to be released,” but “the problem was and remains Hamas.”

The vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza has already been postponed twice. The draft resolution calls for “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors.”


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less than a minute ago

This live blog ends here:

28 minutes ago

Middle East, General Israel: new phase of the war, also in new areas

The head of the Israeli Army's (IDF) Southern Command, Major General Yaron Finkelman, says the army is in “another significant phase of the offensive in new areas.” “This offensive will continue and advance. It will continue pressure against the enemy on the surface and underground. We will continue to advance here and in other areas where we have not yet maneuvered,” he told AFP soldiers of the 98th Division in Khan Yunis (Gaza), as shown in an IDF video.

28 minutes ago

The war between Israel and Hamas, what it is and how the gospel system that was used to attack Gaza works

The Jewish army uses artificial intelligence to identify and bomb terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. But given the number of Palestinian civilians killed, some international analysts have doubts about the accuracy of this statement. THE FOCUS

58 minutes ago

Yemen, who are the Houthis and what do they have to do with the Israel-Hamas war?

Zaydi-style Shiites have controlled the Yemeni capital Sanaa for years. Behind this is Iran, an ideological, religious and military ally. In recent weeks, the Pentagon said it had intercepted missiles and drones fired by the Houthis that “may have been directed at targets in Israel.” On December 11, a Norwegian oil tanker was hit by a Houthi missile in the Red Sea.

10:40 p.m

Israel-Hamas, from Gaza to the US role: Netanyahu's postwar strategy

As fighting continues in Gaza, Israel's prime minister is already considering post-conflict tactics. A small team of men from the Jewish state and Mossad has already been assembled and talks are planned with the United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

10:31 p.m

Middle East: Israel attacks Hezbollah command center in southern Lebanon

The Israeli military says warplanes have attacked a Hezbollah command center in southern Lebanon in response to repeated attacks on the border. Meanwhile, four rockets were fired from Syria into the Golan Heights, triggering sirens in Mas'ade and Ein Quiniyye. The Times of Israel reports on it.

22 O `clock

Ehud Olmert on Sky TG24: “Israel must deliver a political vision”

The Netanyahu government and the far-right forces within it, the former Israeli prime minister tells us, do not want negotiations. THE INTERVIEW

9:53 p.m

“Hamas rejected Israel’s ceasefire proposal”

Hamas has rejected Israel's proposal for a ceasefire and will not agree to a deal until the pause in fighting comes into effect. The Wall Street Journal writes this citing Egyptian intelligence sources. The Israeli offer reportedly included a week-long ceasefire in exchange for 40 hostages.

9:47 p.m

Middle East, hostage negotiations at a standstill: UN meeting canceled

9:40 p.m

The Israel-Hamas war between journalistic reporting and fake news

The debate between the director of QN Agnese Pini, the directors of Repubblica Maurizio Molinari, of Corriere della Sera Luciano Fontana and of Sky TG24 Giuseppe De Bellis on the history of the conflict in the Middle East, in the daily search for balance in the representation of the Facts and the ever-present danger of spreading fake news. READ THE ARTICLE

9:20 p.m

The war between Israel and Hamas, the October 7 attack: everything we can't see

A 45-minute video with everything that wasn't shown on the day of Hamas' attack on Israel. After 40 days, the number is still inaccurate: over 1,200 dead, around 240 hostages. And a date that for Israel has the feel of September 11th in America. THE ANALYSIS

9:19 p.m

Macron: “The fight against terrorism does not mean razing Gaza to the ground”

French President Emmanuel Macron said the fight against terrorism does not mean “razing Gaza to the ground,” referring to Israel's response after the unprecedented attack by Hamas militants on October 7. “We cannot allow the idea to prevail that an effective fight against terrorism means razing Gaza to the ground or indiscriminately attacking the civilian population,” Macron told France 5.

21 clock

Tracking robots and explosive gel: This is how the IDF is destroying the tunnels under Gaza

The Israeli army's efforts are now focused on attacks on Hamas tunnels. According to Israel, the terrorist bases are located there, in this underground tunnel network, at a depth of around 20 to 80 meters. Between threats, new and old technologies, and explosives, here are the tactics that will be used. THE INSIGHT

8:12 p.m

The UN vote on the Gaza resolution has been postponed until tomorrow

The vote in the UN Security Council on the new Gaza resolution has been postponed again. “The Security Council agreed to continue negotiations today to allow more time for diplomacy. And the presidency will postpone the adoption until tomorrow (Thursday) morning,” said the body’s rotating president, Ambassador of Ecuador Jose Javier De La Gasca Lopez-Dominguez.

7:26 p.m

Biden, the death toll of 20,000 in Gaza is a tragedy

The death toll of 20,000 in Gaza is “a tragedy”. US President Joe Biden said this to reporters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in response to a request for comment on the new budget of the Hamas authorities.

7:06 p.m

Israel takes control of a Hamas headquarters

In the central Gaza Strip, Israel took control of an important Hamas “headquarters” where the administrative and military leadership operated. It includes areas used by important figures over time, including Ismail Haniyeh, Yihia Sinwar and Muhammed Deif, the military commander. This was announced by the spokesman for the Israeli military, according to which the complex – located in “Palestine Square” in the Rimal district – includes above-ground buildings and an extensive network of tunnels created in “an underground terrorist city”. “Hideouts, offices and even apartments for Hamas leaders” found.

7:02 p.m

Israel: Takes control of a Hamas headquarters

In the central Gaza Strip, Israel took control of an important Hamas “headquarters” where the administrative and military leadership operated. It includes areas used by important figures over time, including Ismail Haniyeh, Yihia Sinwar and Muhammed Deif, the military commander. This was announced by the spokesman for the Israeli military, according to which the complex – located in “Palestine Square” in the Rimal district – includes buildings on the surface and an extensive network of tunnels developed in “an underground terrorist city.” “Hideouts, offices and even apartments for Hamas leaders” found.

6:58 p.m

Biden: “Let’s put pressure on Israel and Hamas to reach an agreement”

“We apply pressure. There are no expectations at this point, but we are applying pressure.” American President Joe Biden spoke to reporters upon his arrival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, about the possibility of a new agreement between Israel and Hamas on a ceasefire in the fighting and the Release of the hostages. He then described the deaths of 20,000 Palestinians in Gaza as “tragic,” according to Hamas' latest tally of figures caused by Israeli operations

6:16 p.m

Clashes with army near Bethlehem, teenager killed

A Palestinian teenager (Mahmud Zaoul) was shot dead by Israeli military fire today at the entrance to the village of Hussan near Bethlehem in the West Bank. This was reported by the Palestinian news agency Maan, according to which there was unrest when Israeli forces entered the village, during which the young man was hit by a bullet in the neck. The Israeli army has not yet released its version of the incident