Israeli President Isaac Herzog secretly met with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference to discuss negotiations for the release of hostages in Gaza: Axios reports, citing two sources familiar with the meeting
Thousands of people demonstrated against Hamas at the Rafah border crossing today. The crowd broke down the gate, damaged the fence protecting the crossing and then attacked the trucks carrying humanitarian aid and food. Police used force and shot people who stormed the trucks.
Two people died and at least six were injured in a terrorist attack in southern Israel. The terrorist, who arrived at the scene in a car, opened fire on people at the bus stop in Re'em-Masmiyya until he was shot dead by a civilian on the spot.
According to US media, Egypt is building a huge fence in Sinai in anticipation of an exodus of Palestinian refugees. Hundreds of Palestinians are working in Israel to build barriers to the Gaza Strip, Ynet reports.
Biden reiterates to Netanyahu US opposition to an attack on Rafah that does not include “protection for Palestinian civilians.”
Israel's goal is to establish a purely Jewish state and to expel all Palestinians not only from Gaza, but also from the West Bank and the 1948 territories: this was said by the leader of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah. “Israel wants to relocate the West Bank population to Jordan, the Gaza Strip population to Egypt and the 1948 population to Lebanon,” he added.
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“,”postId”:”0b301b98-6f46-4d95-93f0-dbba5cb823a2″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T22:59:00.623Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T23:59:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”
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“,”postId”:”22f18283-0100-4e87-8885-ee0ed7644f7a”},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T22:48:00.192Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T23:48:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele, migliaia di persone in piazza a Tel Aviv contro Netanyahu: \”Deve andare a casa\””,”content”:”
Nella capitale proteste nei confronti del premier, soprattutto da parte dei familiari degli ostaggi e delle vittime di Hamas. \”Chi divide non unirà, chi distrugge non costruirà, chi distrugge non creerà\”, ha dichiarato Yonatan Shamriz, il cui fratello Alon, ostaggio a Gaza, è stato ucciso dai soldati israeliani. Manifestazioni anche a Cesarea, nel nord del Paese, di fronte all’abitazione di Netanyahu. LA PROTESTA
“,”postId”:”f91db190-d3a0-4fec-8742-ad28ad04b930″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T22:26:00.192Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T23:26:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele-Hamas, trovato tunnel a Khan Yunis dove erano tenuti alcuni ostaggi”,”content”:”
La struttura sotterranea presente nel sud della Striscia di Gaza si trovava sotto la residenza di un dirigente di Hamas e ha ospitato a varie riprese una ventina di ostaggi, compresa una bimba poi rilasciata. Secondo l’Idf, il tunnel scoperto era lungo circa 830 metri. I soldati che hanno fatto irruzione si sono scontrati con i terroristi prima di poter accedere. La struttura è stata distrutta. GUARDA IL VIDEO
“,”postId”:”dc21163b-58a8-4cc9-93b1-1a151218ef44″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T21:45:00.343Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T22:45:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Unrwa, tutti i Paesi che hanno sospeso i fondi dopo le accuse”,”content”:”
Sono 10 gli Stati che hanno finora bloccato tutti i finanziamenti all’Agenzia Onu per i rifugiati palestinesi, in seguito alle accuse di un possibile coinvolgimento di dipendenti nell’attacco di Hamas in territorio israeliano del 7 ottobre. Gli Usa hanno immediatamente annunciato lo stop ai finanziamenti. La scelta è stata poi condivisa da Canada, Australia, Italia, Regno Unito, Finlandia, Paesi Bassi, Germania, Giappone e Austria. LEGGI
“,”postId”:”7ce843fd-2c49-4abe-b5c2-88740c387601″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T21:40:35.863Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T22:40:35+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tajani: \”G7 lavora a un cessate il fuoco per Israele e Hamas\””,”content”:”
La riunione dei ministri degli Esteri del G7, che si terrà domani a Monaco di Baviera, cercherà di \”trovare soluzioni per spingere Israele e Hamas al cessate il fuoco\”. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, che ha convocato la riunione a margine della Conferenza per la Sicurezza a Monaco di Baviera. \”La strategia è quella di due popoli due Stati: Israele ha diritto a esistere, nessuno può pensare di cancellarlo da mappe, ma dobbiamo dare un sogno ai palestinesi, uno Stato palestinese, perché senza un sogno rischiamo che Hamas sia il garante del popolo palestinese. E Hamas ha sulla coscienza la morte di tanti palestinesi\”.
“,”postId”:”a4eade44-6b6c-4263-a5f9-6501c3a20c17″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T21:13:35.959Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T22:13:35+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Corte dell’Aja respinge le nuove richieste del Sudafrica su Gaza”,”content”:”
La Corte internazionale di giustizia dell’Aja ha respinto la richiesta del Sudafrica di esercitare maggiori pressioni legali su Israele per fermare la minacciata offensiva contro la città di Rafah, a Gaza, affermando che è Israele \”vincolato a rispettare le misure esistenti\”. La \”situazione pericolosa richiede l’attuazione immediata ed effettiva delle misure provvisorie indicate dalla Corte e non richiede l’indicazione di ulteriori misure provvisorie\”, ha affermato in una nota la Corte dell’Onu.
“,”postId”:”db3dc45a-6488-4676-b33c-b4ae250ed961″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T21:00:00.134Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T22:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Unrwa, cosa è e come funziona l’agenzia Onu per i palestinesi”,”content”:”
È stata per molto tempo un’ancora di salvezza vitale nella Striscia di Gaza e motivo di contesa con Israele, molto prima che alcuni dipendenti dell’agenzia fossero accusati di essere coinvolti nell’assalto di Hamas del 7 ottobre scorso. Offre una serie di servizi sociali alle persone registrate come rifugiati palestinesi nelle guerre risalenti al periodo della nascita dello Stato di Israele: costruisce e gestisce scuole, cliniche mediche, rifugi e fornisce cibo, assistenza abitativa e prestiti di emergenza. COME FUNZIONA
“,”postId”:”618c5446-7e39-4170-a23f-3492801cfc06″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T20:46:11.560Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T21:46:11+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:” Icj non emetterà ulteriori misure provvisorie”,”content”:”
In una dichiarazione pubblicata sul suo sito web, la Corte internazionale di giustizia afferma che la situazione umanitaria a Rafah e l’imminente operazione militare di Israele \”non richiedono l’indicazione di ulteriori misure provvisorie\”. Secondo la dichiarazione, il Sudafrica ha richiesto ulteriori misure provvisorie alla luce della situazione a Rafah, dove più di 1,4 milioni di palestinesi si stanno attualmente rifugiando in attesa di un attacco su vasta scala promesso da Israele, all’inizio di questa settimana. \”La Corte rileva che i più recenti sviluppi nella Striscia di Gaza, e a Rafah, in particolare, ‘aumenterebbero in modo esponenziale quello che e’ gia’ un incubo umanitario con conseguenze regionali indicibili’\”, si legge nella dichiarazione. \”Questa situazione pericolosa richiede l’attuazione immediata ed effettiva delle misure provvisorie indicate dalla Corte nella sua ordinanza del 26 gennaio 2024, che sono applicabili in tutta la Striscia di Gaza, compresa Rafah\”, continua. Il mese scorso, la Corte ha ordinato che \”Israele deve adottare tutte le misure possibili per prevenire gli atti delineati nell’articolo 2 della Convenzione sul genocidio del 1948\”, durante la guerra in corso a Gaza.
“,”postId”:”a3c45b37-e0d7-4b64-9d0d-c0a52623e3c2″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T20:15:00.605Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T21:15:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele, tensione col Vaticano dopo le parole del cardinale Parolin su Gaza”,”content”:”
Le diplomazie sono al lavoro per ricucire lo strappo che si è verificato dopo le inequivocabili dichiarazioni del cardinale a margine dell’annuale incontro per celebrare i patti Lateranensi. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO
\n”,”postId”:”9fcf257e-658a-4b94-b761-853d2bb4ff71″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T19:30:00.650Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T20:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Rafah, perché si rischia catastrofe umanitaria in caso di attacco”,”content”:”
Dall’inizio dell’azione militare israeliana nella città e nell’omonimo governatorato della Striscia si sono radunati centinaia di migliaia di sfollati. L’esodo nelle immagini dal satellite. LE FOTO SATELLITARI
\n”,”postId”:”05571182-8e27-44b2-9e33-f5e9ac1cd285″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T19:05:18.743Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T20:05:18+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Adolescente di Gaza ucciso dalla polizia di Hamas a Rafah”,”content”:”
Un adolescente di Gaza è stato ucciso a colpi di arma da fuoco dagli agenti di Hamas al valico di Rafah, tra la Striscia e l’Egitto, mentre cercava di recuperare del cibo dai camion con aiuti umanitari. Lo riferisce Channel 12 spiegando che in seguito alla morte del ragazzo sono scoppiati disordini con migliaia di manifestanti palestinesi che urlavano contro Hamas e assaltavano i tir con le derrate alimentari. Filmati mostrano spari ed esplosioni nei pressi del valico, riferiscono i media israeliani e palestinesi. Ynet aggiunge che il giovane ucciso si chiamava Muhammad al-Araja. Hamas ha negato l’incidente.
“,”postId”:”90584ad0-6612-4099-881d-9bbb138a90ad”},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T18:52:48.360Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T19:52:48+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”\”A Monaco incontro segreto Herzog -al Thani sugli ostaggi\””,”content”:”
Il presidente israeliano Isaac Herzog ha incontrato segretamente il premier del Qatar Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani a margine della Conferenza sulla sicurezza di Monaco per discutere i negoziati sul rilascio degli ostaggi a Gaza: lo riferisce Axios citando due fonti a conoscenza dell’incontro. Finora la maggior parte dei contatti tra Qatar e Israele dopo l’attacco di Hamas del 7 ottobre sono stati guidati dal capo del Mossad David Barnea. Herzog ha portato con sé a Monaco alcuni degli ostaggi rilasciati nel precedente accordo e i familiari di coloro che sono ancora detenuti a Gaza, scrive Axios.
“,”postId”:”a336e18a-c97c-439e-9ac2-46995ea431fb”},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T18:45:00.005Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T19:45:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele-Palestina, da Oslo a Trump: i piani di pace falliti negli ultimi decenni”,”content”:”
Dopo mesi di conflitto a Gaza, si lavora a una road map per un cessate il fuoco e il rilascio degli ostaggi ancora in vita. Si lavora a un accordo di pace e una soluzione che appare complicata, anche guardando ai tentativi di risolvere le tensioni sempre naufragati negli ultimi decenni. Dalla stretta di mano Rabin-Arafat al vertice di Camp David, fino alle proposte per “Due Stati, due popoli” e il Peace for Prosperity: ecco le tappe senza esito per risolvere la questione.
“,”postId”:”5f6341ef-d4df-4f16-bd24-ec7e6181ed76″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T18:35:45.720Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T19:35:45+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Migliaia assaltano tir di aiuti a Rafah, la polizia spara”,”content”:”
Migliaia di persone hanno manifestato oggi contro Hamas al valico di Rafah: hanno bruciato pneumatici e gridato slogan contro Hamas e il suo leader Sinwar. Lo riferiscono fonti locali. La folla ha sfondato il cancello danneggiando la recinzione che protegge il valico, poi ha assaltato i camion che trasportavano aiuti umanitari portando via derrate alimentari. Gli agenti di polizia hanno usato la forza e sparato contro le persone che prendevano d’assalto i tir. Il dipartimento del valico ha dichiarato in una nota alla stampa che i manifestanti non hanno attaccato il terminal, ma hanno bruciato le gradinate davanti al cancello.
“,”postId”:”da988187-bd3e-41dc-8852-18734f6e1dfb”},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T18:33:17.487Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T19:33:17+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Harris vede Herzog: \”No a intervento a Rafah senza protezione civili\””,”content”:”
La vice presidente americana Kamala Harris ha ribadito al presidente israeliano Isaac Herzog che \”non si può procedere ad un’operazione militare a Rafah senza un piano credibile e fattibile per assicurare la sicurezza e l’aiuto all’oltre milione di persone che vi ha trovato rifugio\”. E’ quanto ha reso noto l’ufficio di Harris dopo l’incontro con Herzog a margine della conferenza sulla sicurezza di Monaco. Harris ha ribadito \”il fermo sostegno a Israele e al suo diritto a difendersi di fronte alle minacce di Hamas\”, una \”organizzazione barbarica e terrorista\”. I due leader hanno discusso degli sforzi per la liberazione degli ostaggi e per raggiungere \”una prolungata pausa nei combattimenti\”. La vice presidente, si legge nel comunicato, ha \”enfatizzato l’importanza di proteggere i civili, aumentare l’assistenza umanitaria.. e assicurare che l’aiuto raggiunga i bisognosi a Gaza\”. I due leader, conclude il comunicato, hanno discusso anche dei piani \”per il post conflitto a Gaza\”. \”Israele deve essere sicuro\”, ha ribadito Harris, mentre \”non ci deve essere un trasferimento forzato dei palestinesi da Gaza e i palestinesi devono godere dei loro diritti di libertà, dignità, sicurezza e autodeterminazione\”.
“,”postId”:”2bd1ebe0-1f69-453a-8a49-525776ad0e24″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T18:14:08.119Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T19:14:08+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Idf: \”Farmaci con scritti nomi ostaggi nell’ospedale Nasser\””,”content”:”
Scatole di farmaci con sopra scritto il nome di ostaggi rapiti da Hamas sono stati trovati dall’esercito israeliano nell’ospedale Nasser, a Khan Yunis, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza. \”Indaghiamo sull’origine dei farmaci e il loro uso\”, hanno riferito le Idf. A metà gennaio era stato raggiunto un accordo per l’invio di medicinali agli ostaggi, ma non vi sono mai state prove che i farmaci entrati a Gaza siano stati effettivamente consegnati ai prigionieri. Ad alcuni ostaggi liberati, fra cui bambini, erano stati dati farmaci per tenerli buoni.
“,”postId”:”667a3dcb-600e-4d0d-aecd-64030f1d96e6″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T18:00:00.293Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T19:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Israele-Hamas, Wall Street Journal: \”Egitto costruisce muro al confine con Gaza\””,”content”:”
La struttura di 8 miglia quadrate servirebbe a contenere un nuovo afflusso di sfollati palestinesi nel deserto del Sinai, creando un campo profughi capace di ospitare fino a 100mila persone. Le immagini satellitari mostrano i dettagli dei lavori, ma il Cairo nega. LEGGI L’ARTICOLO
“,”postId”:”6b90e531-7d53-4ffa-8215-36a2d5e4c975″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T17:58:05.696Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T18:58:05+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: \”Ci deve essere tregua temporanea a Gaza\””,”content”:”
\”Sto parlando con Netanyahu in questo giorni per chiedergli di non procedere con l’operazione militare\” a Rafah. Lo ha detto Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca sottolineando che a Gaza \”deve esserci un cessate il fuoco temporaneo\”.
“,”postId”:”acac273b-9aa3-4ea4-9cd3-184eb235b939″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T17:09:17.912Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T18:09:17+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mar Rosso: nave attaccata con missile, non ci sono danni”,”content”:”
Una nave ha riferito di essere stata attaccata con un missile nel Mar Rosso al largo dello Yemen. Lo rende noto l’agenzia britannica Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO). \”Il comandante riferisce che la nave è stata attaccata da un missile e segnala un’esplosione nelle immediate vicinanze. Le autorità militari stanno rispondendo\”, ha detto l’UKMTO, precisando che l’equipaggio e la nave sono stati dichiarati sani e salvi. L’incidente è avvenuto a 72 miglia nautiche (133 km) a nord-ovest del porto di Mokha, nello Yemen, secondo la nota consultiva dell’UKMTO.
“,”postId”:”7008a193-3d0c-417d-b95f-95fc72f52b42″},{“timestamp”:”2024-02-16T16:36:07.282Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-02-16T17:36:07+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Media, incontro segreto Herzog-premier Qatar su ostaggi”,”content”:”
Il presidente israeliano Isaac Herzog ha avuto un incontro segreto con il premier del Qatar, Mohammed Bin Abdul Rhaman al-Thani, a margine della Conferenza sulla sicurezza a Monaco. Lo ha riferito il giornalista Barak Ravid, citando due fonti, secondo le quali i due hanno discusso dei negoziati in corso per la liberazione degli ostaggi in mano ad Hamas.
“,”postId”:”cbdef6ce-984a-42b0-9590-5d330979944d”}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “9151ba25-79b2-4b88-8fba-b9795022ccf4”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “limit”:20}' >
Israeli President Isaac Herzog secretly met with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference to discuss negotiations for the release of hostages in Gaza, Axios reports, citing two sources familiar with the meeting.
Thousands of people demonstrated against Hamas at the Rafah border crossing today. The crowd broke down the gate, damaged the fence protecting the crossing and then attacked the trucks carrying humanitarian aid and food. Police used force and shot people who stormed the trucks.
Two people died and at least six were injured in a terrorist attack in southern Israel. The terrorist, who arrived at the scene in a car, opened fire on people at the bus stop in Re'em-Masmiyya until he was shot dead by a civilian on the spot.
According to US media, Egypt is building a huge fence in Sinai in anticipation of an exodus of Palestinian refugees. Hundreds of Palestinians are working in Israel to build barriers to the Gaza Strip, Ynet reports.
Biden reiterates to Netanyahu the US's opposition to an attack on Rafah that does not provide “protection for Palestinian civilians.”
Israel's goal is to establish a purely Jewish state and to expel all Palestinians not only from Gaza, but also from the West Bank and the 1948 territories: this was said by the leader of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah. “Israel wants to relocate the West Bank population to Jordan, the Gaza Strip population to Egypt and the 1948 population to Lebanon,” he added.
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11 minutes ago
This live blog ends here
22 minutes ago
Israel, thousands of people take to the streets in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu: “He has to go home”
There were protests against the prime minister in the capital, particularly by the families of Hamas hostages and victims. “Whoever divides will not unite, whoever destroys will not build, whoever destroys will not create,” said Yonatan Shamriz, whose brother Alon, a hostage in Gaza, was killed by Israeli soldiers. There were also demonstrations in front of Netanyahu's house in Caesarea in the north of the country. THE PROTEST
44 minutes ago
Israel-Hamas found a tunnel in Khan Yunis where some hostages were being held
The underground structure in southern Gaza was located under the residence of a Hamas leader and housed around twenty hostages on various occasions, including a little girl who was later released. According to the IDF, the discovered tunnel was approximately 830 meters long. The invading soldiers came into conflict with the terrorists before gaining entry. The structure was destroyed. WATCH THE VIDEO
10:45 p.m
UNRWA, all countries that suspended their funds following the allegations
10 countries have so far blocked all funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees following allegations that staff may have been involved in the October 7 Hamas attack on Israeli territory. The USA immediately announced a funding freeze. The vote was then shared between Canada, Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan and Austria. LAWS
10:40 p.m
Tajani: “G7 is working on a ceasefire for Israel and Hamas”
At the meeting of the G7 foreign ministers, which will take place tomorrow in Munich, an attempt will be made to “find solutions to persuade Israel and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire.” This was stated by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who called the meeting on the sidelines of the security conference in Munich. “The strategy is that of two peoples, two states: Israel has the right to exist, no one can think of erasing it from the map, but we must give the Palestinians a dream, a Palestinian state, because without a dream we risk Hamas .” To be the guarantor of the Palestinian people. And Hamas has the deaths of many Palestinians on its conscience.”
10:13 p.m
A court in The Hague rejects South Africa's new claims against Gaza
The International Court of Justice in The Hague has rejected South Africa's request to put more legal pressure on Israel to stop the threatened offensive against the Gaza town of Rafah, saying Israel is “obliged to comply with existing measures.” The “dangerous situation requires the immediate and effective implementation of the interim measures indicated by the Court and does not require the indication of further interim measures,” the UN court said in a statement.
22 O `clock
UNRWA, what it is and how the UN agency for the Palestinians works
It has long been a vital lifeline in Gaza and a point of contention with Israel long before some of the agency's employees were accused of involvement in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. It provides a range of social services to people registered as Palestinian refugees in wars dating back to the founding of the State of Israel: it builds and operates schools, medical clinics and shelters, and provides food, housing assistance and emergency loans. HOW DOES IT WORK
9:46 p.m
The ICJ will not issue any further interim measures
In a statement posted on its website, the International Court of Justice said that the humanitarian situation in Rafah and Israel's upcoming military operation “do not require specifying further interim measures.” According to the statement, South Africa called for further interim measures given the situation in Rafah, where more than 1.4 million Palestinians are currently staying in anticipation of a large-scale attack promised by Israel earlier this week. “The court notes that recent developments in the Gaza Strip, and in Rafah in particular, 'would exponentially worsen what is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences,'” the statement said. “This dangerous situation requires the immediate and effective implementation of the interim measures specified by the Court in its order of January 26, 2024, which apply throughout the Gaza Strip, including Rafah,” it added. Last month, the court ordered that “Israel must take all possible measures to prevent the acts set out in Article 2 of the 1948 Genocide Convention during the ongoing war in Gaza.”
9:15 p.m
Israel, tensions with the Vatican after Cardinal Parolin's words on Gaza
Diplomacies are working to close the rift that emerged after the cardinal's strong statements on the sidelines of the annual meeting celebrating the Lateran Treaty. READ THE ARTICLE
8:30 p.m
Rafah, because in the event of an attack there is a risk of a humanitarian catastrophe
Since the Israeli military campaign began, hundreds of thousands of displaced people have gathered in the city and the governorate of the same name in the Gaza Strip. The exodus in satellite images. SATELLITE PHOTOS
8:05 p.m
Gaza teenager killed by Hamas police in Rafah
A Gazan teenager was shot dead by Hamas operatives at the Rafah border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt as he tried to collect food from humanitarian aid trucks. This was reported by Channel 12, explaining that after the boy's death, riots broke out, with thousands of Palestinian protesters shouting against Hamas and attacking trucks carrying food. Video footage shows shots and explosions near the border crossing, Israeli and Palestinian media report. Ynet adds that the killed young man's name was Muhammad al-Araja. Hamas denied the incident.
7:52 p.m
“Duke al-Thani secret meeting on hostage taking in Munich”
Israeli President Isaac Herzog secretly met with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference to discuss negotiations for the release of hostages in Gaza, Axios reports, citing two sources familiar with the meeting. So far, most contacts between Qatar and Israel since the October 7 Hamas attack have been led by Mossad chief David Barnea. Herzog took some of the hostages released under the previous agreement and the families of those still detained in Gaza to Munich, Axios writes.
7:45 p.m
Israel-Palestine, from Oslo to Trump: peace plans that have failed in recent decades
After months of conflict in Gaza, a roadmap for a ceasefire and the release of the remaining hostages is currently being worked on. We are working on a peace agreement and a solution that seems complicated, even considering the attempts to resolve tensions that have failed over the past decades. From the Rabin-Arafat handshake at the Camp David summit to the “Two States, Two Peoples” and “Peace for Prosperity” proposals, here are the unsuccessful steps to solve the problem.
7:35 p.m
Thousands attack aid trucks in Rafah, police shoot
Thousands of people demonstrated against Hamas at the Rafah border crossing today: They burned tires and shouted slogans against Hamas and its leader Sinwar. Local sources report this. The crowd broke down the gate, damaged the fence protecting the crossing and then attacked the trucks carrying humanitarian aid and food. Police used force and shot people who stormed the trucks. The border crossing authority said in a press release that the demonstrators did not attack the terminal but burned the steps in front of the gate.
7:33 p.m
Harris sees Herzog: “No to intervention in Rafah without civilian protection”
American Vice President Kamala Harris reiterated to Israeli President Isaac Herzog that “a military operation in Rafah cannot be carried out without a credible and viable plan to ensure the safety and assistance of the more than million people who have found refuge there.” Harris' office made the announcement after meeting with Herzog on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. Harris reiterated her “firm support for Israel and its right to defend itself in the face of threats from Hamas,” a “barbaric and terrorist organization.” The two leaders discussed efforts to free the hostages and achieve “an extended lull in fighting.” The vice president, the statement said, “emphasized the importance of protecting civilians, increasing humanitarian assistance… and ensuring that aid reaches those in need in Gaza.” The two leaders said According to the statement, they also discussed plans “for the period after the conflict in Gaza”. “Israel must be safe,” Harris reiterated, while “there must be no forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza and Palestinians must enjoy their rights to freedom, dignity, security and self-determination.”
7:14 p.m
Idf: “Medicines written with names of hostages in Nasser hospital”
The Israeli army found medicine boxes with the names of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. “We are investigating the origin of the drugs and their use,” the IDF reported. An agreement was reached in mid-January to send medicine to the hostages, but there was never any evidence that the medicine that entered Gaza was actually delivered to the prisoners. Some freed hostages, including children, had been given medication to calm them down.
7 p.m
Israel-Hamas war, Wall Street Journal: “Egypt is building a wall on the border with Gaza”
The 8-square-mile facility would be used to stem a new influx of displaced Palestinians into the Sinai Desert and create a refugee camp that could hold up to 100,000 people. Satellite images show details of the work, but Cairo denies this. READ THE ARTICLE
6:58 p.m
Biden: “There must be a temporary ceasefire in Gaza”
“I am speaking to Netanyahu these days to ask him not to continue the military operation” in Rafah. Joe Biden said this at the White House, emphasizing that “there must be a temporary ceasefire” in Gaza.
6:09 p.m
Red Sea: Ship attacked with missile, no damage
A ship reported being attacked by a missile in the Red Sea off Yemen. This was announced by the British agency Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO). “The captain reports that the ship has been attacked by a missile and reports an explosion in the immediate vicinity. The military authorities are responding,” the UKMTO said, specifying that the crew and ship were declared safe and sound. According to the UKMTO report, the accident occurred 72 nautical miles (133 km) northwest of the port of Mokha in Yemen.
5:36 p.m
Media, Duke Qatar Prime Minister Secret Meeting About Hostages
On the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, Israeli President Isaac Herzog had a secret meeting with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Abdul Rhaman al-Thani. This was reported by journalist Barak Ravid, citing two sources who said the two discussed the ongoing negotiations to release the hostages held by Hamas.