Telephone meeting this evening between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Austin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz on the crisis in the Middle East. A telephone conversation also took place this afternoon between Pope Francis and the President of the United States. The approximately 20-minute conversation discussed conflict situations in the world and the need to find ways to peace. According to an AFP correspondent on the ground, more humanitarian trucks crossed Egypt’s Rafah border crossing toward the Gaza Strip today, the second convoy in two days to enter the Palestinian territory since the start of the war. Amid urgent calls for the delivery of humanitarian fuel to Gaza, Israeli military spokesman today claimed that Hamas has taken steps to provide a large amount of diesel in the Rafah area in a timely manner. “Iran’s plan is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we realize that they want to attack Israel, not just on all our fronts, we will attack the head of the snake, Iran,” said Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat. Benyamin Netanya also today threatened “destructive consequences for Hezbollah and Lebanon” if the pro-Iranian militia decides to unleash an all-out war against Israel. In the event of an attack, “we would hit them with a force they cannot even imagine, with devastating consequences.” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: “It will take a month, it will take two or three, but in the end there will be no Hamas.” Tajani: “We have two Italian-Israeli hostages and also 19 Italian-Palestinian ones.”, in Gaza blocked.\n\n
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“,”postId”:”da79c1df-7f7b-4998-a21d-23fc61fb2e5a”}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T21:59:00.579Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T23:59:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”
Continiua a seguire gli aggiornamenti sul liveblog di lunedì 23 ottobre
“,”postId”:”95d8b37a-4870-4763-9f1d-32863eee5522″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T21:50:00.742Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T23:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Per ricevere le notizie di Sky TG24:”,”content”:”
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“,”postId”:”a2eb59fa-958d-472f-bb0d-7e76dc3520a1″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T21:40:00.697Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T23:40:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Israele-Palestina, colpita la moschea a Jenin e altri obiettivi in Cisgiordania”,”content”:”
Il bilancio sarebbe di due morti, secondo L’Idf nel luogo di culto si nascondeva una cellula terroristica pronta a lanciare un attacco. Raid notturni sono avvenuti anche nella Striscia di Gaza dove, secondo fonti citate dall’Onu, è stato distrutto o danneggiato il 42% delle abitazioni. Le sirene di allarme sono tornate a suonare anche nella zona di Tel Aviv per un lancio di razzi. LE FOTO
“,”postId”:”aeec7866-b9c5-4ee7-8387-2e6fff7ccee6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T21:20:00.126Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T23:20:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Israele-Hamas, star di Hollywood scrivono a Biden per \”cessate il fuoco\” a Gaza”,”content”:”
Tra gli altri, hanno firmato Andrew Garfield, Kristen Stewart, Susan Sarandon, Oscar Isaac, Quinta Brunson, Ayo Edebiri, Cate Blanchett, Hasan Minhaj, Jeremy Strong, Joaquin Phoenix, il rapper Macklemore. Gli artisti chiedono di porre fine alla \”devastante perdita di vite umane e agli orrori che vediamo scorrere davanti ai nostri occhi\”. L’APPELLO
“,”postId”:”ec09857d-2635-4021-a5b4-8894be4666ec”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:40:00.005Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:40:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Israele-Hamas, dalla A di Ali Qadi alla Z di Zaka: le parole-chiave del conflitto”,”content”:”
Ci sono alcuni termini che più di altri raccontano la crisi in atto nel Medioriente e i suoi possibili sviluppi. Lettera per lettera, ecco un alfabeto di nomi ed espressioni tornati prepotentemente al centro dell’attualità LEGGI
“,”postId”:”0787a6f4-6528-41ee-92b0-9d54e569c880″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:36:18.381Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:36:18+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Esercito Israele: in corso bombardamento su obiettivi Hamas a Gaza”,”content”:”
Le forze di difesa israeliane stanno bombardando \”decine di obiettivi terroristici in tutta la striscia di Gaza in questo momento\”. E’ quanto si legge nel profilo X dell’IDF.
“,”postId”:”b6d27539-2ae5-4ce2-acf5-0183718440de”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:33:49.748Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:33:49+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Palazzo Chigi: \”Riunione telefonica tra Meloni Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, Macron e Scholz\””,”content”:””,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”9582198a-6b08-4f41-aa71-a926680d75fe”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:31:35.406Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:31:35+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Biden: \”Accordo con Netanyahu, flusso continuo di aiuti a Gaza\””,”content”:”
\”Ci sarà un flusso continuo di aiuti a Gaza\”. Lo ha annunciato Joe Biden dopo una telefonata con il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu. \”Abbiamo trovato un accordo\”, ha sottolineato il presidente americano.
“,”postId”:”8409829a-6a6a-4ec6-b1c5-c5b871b59fae”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:19:05.438Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:19:05+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Min. istruzione Israele: \”Greta Thunberg non più adatta ad essere fonte ispirazione per studenti\””,”content”:”
La posizione assunta da Greta Thunberg con il suo sostegno a Gaza e ai palestinesi \”la squalifica come modello educativo e morale, e non è più adatta ad essere una fonte di ispirazione per gli studenti in Israele\”. Ad affermarlo, secondo quanto riferisce ‘Haaretz’, è il ministero dell’Istruzione israeliano.
“,”postId”:”31622ff4-df68-46f6-bf77-321d9fd8bcaf”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:17:00.852Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:17:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”“Ucciso Ali Qadi”: era il comandante di Hamas dietro all’attacco contro Israele”,”content”:”
Lo ha fatto sapere l’esercito israeliano. Il membro di Hamas era il comandante di compagnia dell’unità d’élite ‘Nukheba’. Nelle scorse ore è stato ucciso anche Merad Abu Merad, sempre secondo quanto riportano le forze militari di Israele. Anche lui avrebbe avuto un ruolo di rilievo negli attacchi del 7 ottobre CHI ERA
“,”postId”:”2a4d5025-3693-46a3-9cbb-6b9a3af9a6b6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T20:13:03.224Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T22:13:03+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Netanyahu, riunione sicurezza del Gabinetto di guerra “,”content”:”
Il gabinetto di guerra israeliano è riunito presso il quartier generale delle Israel Defence Forces a Tel Aviv. E’ quanto si legge sul profilo X del primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu. \”Il primo ministro sta facendo una valutazione della sicurezza presso la Kirya di Tel Aviv (dove si trova la principale base delle Forze armate israeliane, ndr) assieme ai componenti del Gabinetto di Guerra e ad alti funzionari delle strutture dedicate alla sicurezza di Israele\”, si legge nel profilo Twitter.
\n\n”,”postId”:”1bf4bc9a-4075-4438-8d40-1df8d73136e2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T19:50:00.961Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T21:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra Medioriente, le immagini dei bombardamenti israeliani”,”content”:”
“,”postId”:”68805f52-36c2-441f-9213-60a5be3844f4″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T19:45:00.672Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T21:45:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Eliseo: Macron martedì a Tel Aviv da Netanyahu”,”content”:”
Il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron andra’ martedi’ in Israele per incontrare il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu. Lo ha annunciato questa sera l’Eliseo. La visita del capo di Stato francese arriva dopo piu’ di due settimane dall’attacco di Hamas sul territorio israeliano che ha fatto piu’ di 1400 morti, di cui 30 cittidini francesi. Inoltre, sette francesi risultano ancora dispersi: una giovane ha lo status di ostaggio, e \”per gli altri sei esiste la presunzione di presa di ostaggi ma senza certezza\”, ha precisato Macron.
\n”,”postId”:”29a768b1-6b53-479d-8890-79946bd4f27e”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T19:40:00.776Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T21:40:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zaki: ‘Violenza produce violenza, leader del mondo si prodighino per la pace'”,”content”:”
\”La violenza produce violenza e con la pace ci deve essere la giustizia. Non bisogna tenere presente tutto quello che è successo negli anni scorsi adesso dovremmo fare attenzione solamente ad una soluzione politica. Ci sono persone che muoiono e quindi ecco perché i nostri pensieri devono andare alla pace. Dobbiamo chiedere ai leader di prodigarsi per la pace e per i civili\”. Ad affermarlo è Patrick Zaki intervenendo a ‘Che Tempo che fa’ su Nove in occasione della presentazione del suo libro ‘Sogni e illusioni di libertà’ (editore La Nave di Teseo). \”Quello che voglio è che l’Ue possa gestire varie posizioni in questo conflitto, bisogna che si aiutino gli aiuti umanitari e oggi stiamo parlando di 2 milioni di persone che non hanno acqua, elettricità e cose di base\”, sottolinea Zaki.
\n\n”,”postId”:”b938bd0c-cbdb-47c5-a659-dc3ea2f5a627″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T19:30:00.743Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T21:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Zaki: ‘Dobbiamo pensare alla pace e come riportare indietro gli ostaggi'”,”content”:”
\”Tutti noi dobbiamo pensare alla pace e come riportare gli ostaggi indietro\”. Ad affermarlo è Patrick Zaki intervenendo a ‘Che Tempo che fa’ su Nove in occasione della presentazione del suo libro ‘Sogni e illusioni di libertà’ (editore La Nave di Teseo). \”Dobbiamo lavorare tutti per la pace e trovare una soluzione politica. Anche le Nazioni Uniti e il Papa hanno parlato della crisi umanitaria. I problemi che tutti i civili e gli ostaggi sono gli stessi\”, aggiunge Zaki commentando la situazione in Medio Oriente.
“,”postId”:”a86d613f-2ba6-4bfd-84c1-dee53077d4b8″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T19:16:00.165Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T21:16:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Due nuove espulsioni, il Viminale: \”Fortemente radicalizzati, rischio sicurezza nazionale\””,”content”:”
Salgono a 56 i provvedimenti di espulsione adottati nel 2023 nei riguardi di cittadini stranieri ritenuti pericolosi LEGGI
“,”postId”:”94a0404f-f6e4-47fe-8cb6-4e41dc2f19db”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T19:05:42.893Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T21:05:42+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Netanyahu: Macron e Rutte in Israele domani e martedì”,”content”:”
Il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron e il primo ministro olandese Mark Rutte saranno in Israele fra domani e martedi’: lo ha fatto sapere lo stesso primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu secondo quanto riferisce la testata Arab News.
“,”postId”:”7f71562a-4c01-42e2-915a-ba5cdaec2882″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T18:54:01.750Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T20:54:01+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Meloni sente Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, Macron, Scholz”,”content”:”
Si è svolta stasera una riunione telefonica del Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, con il Presidente degli Stati Uniti, Joe Biden, il Primo Ministro britannico, Rishi Sunak, il Primo Ministro Justin Trudeau, il Presidente della Repubblica Francese, Emmanuel Macron, e il Cancelliere tedesco, Olaf Scholz. La riunione e’ statadedicata all’esame dell’evoluzione della grave crisi apertasi dopo l’attacco del 7 ottobre scorso perpetrato da Hamas contro Israele.
“,”postId”:”0a9a08f4-f339-46e9-9ee3-20dfbef7dc28″},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T18:45:00.802Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T20:45:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tajani: \”Preoccupati per ostaggi italiani, a Gaza e nel nord di Israele\””,”content”:”
Per il ministro degli Esteri \”la prima preoccupazione è liberare gli ostaggi, ce ne sono anche due italo-israeliani. Poi ci sono un gruppo di 19 italiani a sud di Gaza, che speriamo di poter far uscire quanto prima\” LEGGI
“,”postId”:”bf3f56c9-a91d-4453-b8e8-31bc9323f89b”},{“timestamp”:”2023-10-22T18:41:53.224Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-22T20:41:53+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Netanyahu: Macron e Rutte in Israele la prossima settimana”,”content”:”
Il primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha annunciato che il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron e il primo ministro olandese Mark Rutte si recheranno in Israele la prossima settimana. Lo ha riferito in una nota l’ufficio di Netanyahu, spiegando che i due leader ”arriveranno lunedì e martedì” in Israele.
“,”postId”:”06e2849b-d979-4fe9-8710-e426584325cd”}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “3c77c44d-5883-4c08-9a0e-e03e045055bf”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”:1} ‘ >
Telephone meeting this evening between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Austin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz on the crisis in the Middle East. A telephone conversation also took place this afternoon between Pope Francis and the President of the United States. The approximately 20-minute conversation discussed conflict situations in the world and the need to find ways to peace. According to an AFP correspondent on the ground, more humanitarian trucks crossed Egypt’s Rafah border crossing toward the Gaza Strip today, the second convoy in two days to enter the Palestinian territory since the start of the war. Amid urgent calls for the delivery of humanitarian fuel to Gaza, Israeli military spokesman today claimed that Hamas has taken steps to provide a large amount of diesel in the Rafah area in a timely manner. “Iran’s plan is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we realize that they want to attack Israel, not just on all our fronts, we will attack the head of the snake, Iran,” said Israel’s Economy Minister Nir Barkat. Benyamin Netanya also today threatened “destructive consequences for Hezbollah and Lebanon” if the pro-Iranian militia decides to unleash an all-out war against Israel. In the event of an attack, “we would hit them with a force they cannot even imagine, with devastating consequences.” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: “It will take a month, it will take two or three, but in the end there will be no more Hamas.” Tajani: “We have two Italian-Israeli hostages and also 19 Italian-Palestinian hostages who are locked up are.” Gaza.
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11:59 p.m
This live blog ends here
11:50 p.m
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11:40 p.m
Israel-Palestine, mosque in Jenin and other West Bank targets hit
According to the IDF, the number would be two dead, a terrorist cell was hiding in the place of worship and was ready to launch an attack. Nighttime raids also occurred in the Gaza Strip, where 42% of homes were destroyed or damaged, according to UN sources. Warning sirens also sounded again in the Tel Aviv area due to a rocket launch. THE PHOTOS
11:20 p.m
Israel-Hamas war, Hollywood stars write to Biden and demand “ceasefire” in Gaza
Among others, Andrew Garfield, Kristen Stewart, Susan Sarandon, Oscar Isaac, Quinta Brunson, Ayo Edebiri, Cate Blanchett, Hasan Minhaj, Jeremy Strong, Joaquin Phoenix and the rapper Macklemore have signed. The artists are calling for an end to the “devastating loss of life and horrors unfolding before our eyes.” THE COMPLAINT
10:40 p.m
Israel-Hamas war, from Ali Qadis A to Zakas Z: the key words of the conflict
There are terms that describe the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and its possible developments better than others. Here, letter by letter, you will find an alphabet of names and expressions that have once again become the focus of current events. READ
10:36 p.m
Israeli army: Continued bombardment of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip
Israeli forces are currently bombing “dozens of terrorist targets across the Gaza Strip.” We read this in IDF profile X.
10:33 p.m
Palazzo Chigi: “Telephone meeting between Meloni Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, Macron and Scholz”
10:31 p.m
Biden: “Agreement with Netanyahu, continuous flow of aid to Gaza”
“There will be a continuous flow of aid to Gaza.” Joe Biden announced this after a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “We have found an agreement,” emphasized the American President.
10:19 p.m
Israeli Education Minister: “Greta Thunberg is no longer suitable as a source of inspiration for students”
The position taken by Greta Thunberg with her support for Gaza and the Palestinians “disqualifies her as an educational and moral role model and is no longer suitable as a source of inspiration for students in Israel.” This was announced by the Israeli Ministry of Education, according to Haaretz reports.
10:17 p.m
“Ali Qadi killed”: He was the Hamas commander behind the attack on Israel
The Israeli army made this known. The Hamas member was a company commander in the elite “Nukheba” unit. In the last few hours, Merad Abu Merad was also killed, again according to the Israeli Defense Forces. He also played a prominent role in the attacks on October 7th. WHO WAS
10:13 p.m
Netanyahu, War Cabinet Security Meeting
The Israeli War Cabinet meets at the Israel Defense Forces headquarters in Tel Aviv. That’s what we read in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s X-Profile. “The Prime Minister, together with members of the War Cabinet and senior officials of the structures responsible for Israel’s security, is conducting a security assessment at Kirya in Tel Aviv (where the main base of the Israeli Defense Forces is located, editor’s note),” we read on Twitter -Profile.
9:50 p.m
Middle East war, images of Israeli bombings
9:45 p.m
Elysée: Macron in Tel Aviv on Tuesday to meet Netanyahu
French President Emmanuel Macron will travel to Israel on Tuesday to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Elysée announced it this evening. The French leader’s visit comes more than two weeks after the Hamas attack on Israeli territory that left more than 1,400 dead, including 30 French citizens. In addition, seven French people are still missing: one young woman has the status of a hostage, and “for the other six there is a suspicion that hostages have been taken, but without certainty,” explained Macron.
9:40 p.m
Zaki: “Violence begets violence, world leaders must do their utmost for peace”
“Violence begets violence and with peace there must come justice. We must not take into account everything that has happened in recent years, but should now only pay attention to a political solution. There are people who are dying and therefore our thoughts must be taken into account.” Go to peace. We must ask the heads of state and government to do their utmost for peace and for the civilian population.” This was what Patrick Zaki said in his speech on “Che Tempo che fa” on November at the launch of his book “Dreams and Illusions of Freedom” (Publisher La Nave di Teseo). “I want the EU to be able to manage different positions in this conflict. We need to provide humanitarian assistance and today we are talking about 2 million people who have neither water, electricity nor basic things,” Zaki emphasizes.
9:30 p.m
Zaki: “We need to think about peace and how to bring the hostages back”
“We all have to think about peace and how to bring back the hostages.” This is what Patrick Zaki said in his speech on “Che Tempo che fa” on November 1st, on the occasion of the presentation of his book “Dreams and Illusions of Freedom” (publisher La Nave di Teseo). “We all have to work for peace and find a political solution. Even the United Nations and the Pope have spoken about the humanitarian crisis. The problems that all civilians and hostages face are the same,” Zaki added about the situation in the Middle East.
9:16 p.m
Two new expulsions, Interior Ministry: “Heavily radicalized, national security risk”
The number of expulsion measures adopted in 2023 against foreign citizens classified as dangerous has increased to 56
9:05 p.m
Netanyahu: Macron and Rutte tomorrow and Tuesday in Israel
French President Emmanuel Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will be in Israel between tomorrow and Tuesday: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself announced this, according to reports in the Arab News newspaper.
8:54 p.m
Meloni listens to Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, Macron, Scholz
This evening a telephone meeting took place between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, President of the United States Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron. and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The meeting was dedicated to examining the development of the serious crisis that began after Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7.
8:45 p.m
Tajani: “Concerned about Italian hostages in Gaza and northern Israel”
For the Foreign Minister, “the main thing is to free the hostages; there are also two Italian-Israelis. Then there is a group of 19 Italians south of Gaza that we hope to get out as quickly as possible,” READ
8:41 p.m
Netanyahu: Macron and Rutte in Israel next week
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that French President Emmanuel Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will travel to Israel next week. Netanyahu’s office made the announcement in a note, explaining that the two leaders will arrive in Israel “on Monday and Tuesday.”