1696956753 Israel Hamas war Its a massacre mutilated families and babies

Israel Hamas war: “It’s a massacre”, mutilated families and babies, the horror in the kibbutz of Kfar Aza and Beeri southwest

Children whose heads were “cut off”

The foreign press was allowed to enter the site at the invitation of the Israel Defense Forces, which retook armed control of these sites on Sunday and then on Monday and neutralized scores of Hamas militants.

The Israeli armed forces are responsible for collecting the bodies of the victims at Kibbutz Kfar Aza, very close to Gaza.

The Israeli armed forces are responsible for collecting the bodies of the victims at Kibbutz Kfar Aza, very close to Gaza.


In the collectivist village, journalists observed the slow work of collecting the bodies. Residents were surprised on Saturday by the lightning offensive of Hamas militants, who did not shy away from massacring families, burning houses, scattering property… “You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their rooms, in their shelters and like the terrorists.” killed her. It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. It’s a massacre, it’s a terrorist activity. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life,” Israeli Major Itaï Virov said, quoted by Portal agency, shocked by the abuses committed by Hamas militants.

Journalists from the Israeli broadcaster i24News even speak of mutilated bodies of the victims: “We are talking about burned houses in which entire families were killed, of women and children whose heads were cut off.” It is the apocalypse,” said journalist Mael Benoliel on site. Not far away, the Israeli army’s bombing raids on Gaza continued.