Israel has never been so right wing ultra religious and

Israel has never been so right wing: ultra religious and xenophobic in government

At 14 today the 37. Government of Israelthe sixth passed Benjamin Netanyahu took the oath as thousands of people protested outside Knesset against the new board. That Bibi VI° presents itself as one of the governments more you foughtfor the decisive right turn, marked by the opening of the door to the parties Ultra religious and xenophobia like Religious Zionism and Jewish power and to return its traditional allies to the seats that count: the three religious parties ultra orthodox.

Netanyahu it appointed 29 ministers and three deputy ministers. In three ministries – defenseeducation and welfare – Two ministers will take turns. The large number of assignments for such a small country Israel says a lot about how long they were hard working the negotiationsfilled with hundreds of written clauses, in which the government allies of Netanyahu will be amply rewarded. That negotiations produced the most righteous government in history Israel and the premises of the action ofexecutive are disturbing to many Israelis. Bibi has accepted all the demands of its allies, particularly those of the nationalist far-right, who are taking control defensethe police, the body that deals with it Occupied Territories (COGAT), but also Housing and the Armed Forces (IDF). In exchange Bibi get a free hand justice, and the 3 court cases in which he is accused of corruption. Then there are the premises for more restrictive laws for LGBT people, for exemption from the military for the Orthodox and for funding their congregations, for religious education in schools.

The inaugural speech Netanyahu it was clear. there West Bank it’s high on the next government’s list of priorities. The executive “encourages and develops the settlements in all parts of the land of Israel, in Galilee, Negev, Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria,” Biblical names refer to West Bank.

At the heart of politics Netanyahu VI There are reforms in the judicial systems and the “supremacy” of legislation with the so-called “circumvention clause” which would allow a majority Knesset set aside the judgments of court Highestthe true bulwark of democracy Israeli.

The coalition agreements also include amendments to various laws to enable the new rulers to fill important government posts. Why four of the five leading party leaders in the new coalition government – Bibi Netanyahu, Aryeh Deri, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir – have been arrested, charged, convicted or sentenced to imprisonment on charges of corruption or incitement to racism. Two of them are destined for key roles. The ultra-nationalist and anti-Arab Ben-Gvirparty leader Jews Performanceis Minister for security National which are monitored not only by the Israeli police, but also by other law enforcement agencies, including the border police, who are very active in the West Bank occupied. Smotrich is the new minister of finance and him and his party Zionism religiouswill be the responsibility of the Civilian Administration (COGAT), which has instead always been administered by the Israeli Defense Ministry. The civil administration has the power to extend the settlements Jewsto limit the daily life of the Palestinians and to enforce the law, including home demolitions.

Unique fact – it is pointed out by everyone MPs the opposition Ben-Gvir and Smotrich has access to the files of shin bet (Israel’s internal security) when they have been under surveillance for their xenophobic and racist activities, attacks on churches and mosques in recent years.

“It’s not about new laws so far extreme and outrageous – the author summed up David Grossman about Haaretz – but about a change in us identity, a change in the character of the state. And when will it be revealed where he went? Netanyahu There is no return, it will be impossible Extinguish or even to tame the chaos it has created.” Not only the opposition is alarmed by the changes that Bibi VI wants to push through. moods Publicity For the decisive turn to the right, they also came from executives of the Likud – the party of Bibi – like Dan meridora member of the centrist and liberal wing of the party and a former minister of justice in different governments of the new prime minister – he accused Netanyahu to place its claim to power above the interests of the country and to sell off the democratic character Israel Win coalition partners by sticking to controversial demands. Public offices are multiplying, 100 former IAF (Israeli Air Force) officers and 78 retired judges have signed an appeal against announced government decisions. The Chief of Staff –Aviv Kochavi – in a rare public intervention he asked a Bibi not to give command over the structures of the West Bank to “religious Zionism” and border police control to “Jewish power”.

Between Officer of IDF intelligence, concerns about conflict are growing West Bank could increase in the near future. This in the light of the internal processes ofPalestinian Authority and the new government’s plans to take unilateral action West Bankon the Esplanade of Mosques or Temple Mount and with Arab citizens of Israel. The Israeli security establishment fears that future conflicts will require the IDF to act simultaneously on multiple arenas, even against them IranHezbollah, Hamasand against new armed groups such as Lion’s den in West Bank. That combination, security sources say, could lead to a significant one escalation.

Netanyahu seems to have no doubts, be convinced that charismahis personal power and his subterfuge will be able to replace institutional controls and prevent his extremist partners from driving Israel to an abyss. It’s hard to know if he’ll make it. As he writes, of course disgusting manthat “the gaping jaws of anarchy are baring their teeth over the Middle East’s most fragile democracy”.