Israel prepares ground offensive

Israel prepares ground offensive

Israel mobilizes 300,000 reservists and cuts food and electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip. Hamas threatens to kill hostages.

Tel Aviv. A tense silence fell on the streets of Tel Aviv. Cafes and restaurants are closed, schools and kindergartens have temporarily stopped opening, playgrounds are deserted and there are almost no pedestrians on the streets. Only the supermarkets are busy: people wait in long queues at the checkouts, with shopping carts full.

Israel is preparing for a new, another war in Gaza. Which is not only conducted from the air, but also with ground troops. Israel is already firing rockets into the Gaza Strip to destroy the infrastructure of the terrorist organization Hamas. So far, Palestinians have suffered 690 deaths there. Meanwhile, the death toll in Israel rose to more than 900; Only 260 people died in a massacre at an open-air festival in the Negev desert.

When will the army start?