Tens of thousands of Georgians demonstrate for candidate status

Israel with a new prime minister: Lapid takes over

In Israel, former foreign minister Jair Lapid took over as prime minister. Building on last year’s coalition agreement, the post today passed from former prime minister Naftali Bennett to the 58-year-old chairman of the moderate Future Party. This is the first time in more than 20 years that Israel has had a prime minister who does not come from the right-wing camp.

Lapid – a former journalist and TV presenter – is now expected to lead the government in the coming months. After the dissolution of parliament on Thursday, it is clear that there will be new elections on November 1st.

The rotation with Bennett had already been agreed in last year’s coalition agreement. When the eight-party coalition from left to right admitted its failure a week and a half ago, the change at the top was also announced. Bennett no longer wants to compete in the election.