IsraelHamas war: Hezbollah does not rule out escalating violence

With just a month to go, the confrontation between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Palestinian extremist group Hamas once again led to massacres of civilians and scenes of horror, just as the leader of the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, called it a “total war” in the Middle East Don’t rule out the east. Israeli aircraft bombed an ambulance convoy outside the gate of Al Shifa, the largest hospital in Gaza, killing 13 people. There were attacks on two other hospitals, also in Gaza City: AlQuds and Indonesian.

In Tel Aviv, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken defended “humanitarian pauses” in the air and land offensive in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a suspension of the military operation and called for the release of all 242 hostages held by Hamas.

In a rare speech, Nasrallah did not rule out the spread of violence and blamed the IDF and the United States for the war in Gaza and the killing of Israelis in the Oct. 7 attacks. “The possibility that this front will record a new escalation or a total war (…) is realistic and can happen, the enemy must prepare,” he warned, explaining that Hamas’ attacks on southern Israel demonstrate the “weakness” of the Jewish state would have disclosed. “If you want to prevent a regional war, you have to stop the aggression in Gaza quickly.”

The head of Hezbollah was not intimidated by the presence of American warships and aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean. “I tell you this with all sincerity. We have prepared well for your fleets that you threaten us with,” the sheikh explained.

“All options are open to us. We have examined all options. We must be prepared for all options that may arise in the future,” emphasized Nasrallah. In recent days, Hezbollah has been fighting and firing rockets with the IDF in the Upper Galilee region of Israel’s far north. The Israeli army has attacked two antitank missiles and an Iranianbacked Shiite militia outpost.

Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel and just 1.9 km from the border with Lebanon, lives in fear of attacks. On Thursday (November 2), rockets fired by Hamas from Lebanese territory set cars and shops on fire and injured two people. In an interview with postAvihay Shtern, the city’s mayor since 2018, said the real threat came from Iran. “The Iranian regime controls the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. We have all seen their cruel crimes against humanity. Calling them animals would be insulting.” “They beheaded babies, raped women and then burned them alive,” he said. “Such actions must scare the world and not just Kiryat Shmona. Today it is Israel, tomorrow it is Europe and then everyone who does not hold radical views like them.”

According to Shtern, the time between the antiaircraft siren and the impact is less than 10 seconds due to the proximity between Kiryat Shmona and Lebanon. “Given the presence of Hezbollah forces on the border, we know that the October 7 attacks could be repeated in our city, with the possibility of them becoming even worse. Therefore, Israel must act to remove them from the border or destroy them. We have one.” “We have a powerful army. Those who have to be afraid are our enemies, who are afraid and live in the tunnels,” commented the mayor. Before the war in Gaza, Kiryat Shmona had a population of 24,000; 21,000 were hastily removed. Today it is immigrants who are waiting in hotels for their return.


AFPTV TV image shows attack victims a few meters from Al Shifa

This Friday, March 11, at 6 p.m. (noon in Brasília), the Israeli Air Force fired a cruise missile in front of the gate of AlShifa Hospital in Gaza City, the largest in the Palestinian enclave. “They again bombed an ambulance that was heading south after leaving our hospital. The vehicle, which was part of a convoy, was hit more than once and returned to Shifa. When he reached the gate, the ambulance was attacked again.” “I heard the explosion and was very concerned for the wounded who were being transported and for the Shifa staff. It was a terrible sight. Parts were torn from the bodies of children, women and the elderly,” said Muhammad Abu Salmiya, general director of Al Shifa Hospital Mail. “There were many homeless people there, Palestinians, who sought refuge in our complex. At least 13 people died and 65 were injured, including the evacuees and the driver.”

In a note published on the social network X, the former Twitter, the IDF announced that it had identified a “terror cell” with the help of an ambulance. “In response, an IDF aircraft bombed and neutralized Hamas terrorists operating in the ambulance. We emphasize that this area of ​​Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly urged to flee south for their own safety,” the text says.