Israeli army bombs terror cell operating on Lebanon border com

Israeli army bombs “terror cell operating on Lebanon border .com

Israel’s border with Lebanon is witnessing an escalation in tensions Jalaa MAREY/AFP 10/18/2023

The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) reported that this Friday (20) they bombed “a terrorist cell operating near the border” with drones Lebanon.

“Reports were received of a number of antitank missiles being fired at IDF posts and soldiers on the border with Lebanon. The defense forces continue to respond with fire,” the army said in a statement.

Three members of the Hezbollah group were killed in today’s action. According to the IDF, they attempted to enter Israeli territory by land.

The Israeli military identified at least 20 rockets fired from southern Lebanon into northern Israel.

Previously, that HezbollahThe Iranbacked organization claimed responsibility for the shooting and said between 20 and 30 rockets were fired at the Mount Dov border area.

“Israeli army snipers opened fire on gunmen operating in the border area with Lebanon,” a military spokesman said of another incident that occurred today on that border, which has experienced the highest peak of tensions since 2006 for 13 consecutive days exchange of fire.

About 18 km from there, Authorities evacuated the town of Kiryat Shmona today. The community of 25,000 is located in an area of ​​tension where Hezbollah hostilities have become increasingly frequent since the war against Hamas terrorists began on October 7th.

Yesterday’s rocket launch from Lebanon injured three people in Kiryat Shmona.

On Monday, Israel has already evacuated around 28 communities located less than 2 km from the border with Lebanon.


In the new list of the strongest armies in the world, Brazil is no longer in the top 10

Global Firepower has updated the ranking of the world’s most powerful armies. 60 criteria were assessed, ranging from the number of military units and financial situation to logistical and geographical possibilities. Countries were given values ​​between 0 and 1, with the closer the value was to 0, the more powerful the country was.* Intern at R7 under the supervision of Pablo Marques

1st place USAThe United States remained in first place with a value of 0.0712. The country has impressive numbers in the main categories and is also the most technologically advanced and wellequipped country in the world


2nd place RussiaWith 0.0714, the Russian army takes 2nd place. Russia maintained its place on the final list; However, it is threatened by China, which is increasingly growing

Reproduction/ Twitter/ @TautraIngvar

3rd place ChinaThe bronze medal goes to China, who achieved a score of 0.0722. However, the country is in first place in terms of growth and threatens to take the rank of the nations mentioned above in the future.

4th place IndiaIndia ranks 4th place, with 0.1025. A good result, but still far from the top three, which shows the difference between the military powers USA, Russia and China and the rest of the world

5th place United KingdomThe British Army has moved up three places since the last ranking, reaching a score of 0.1435. The country showed development in the areas of manpower, air force, logistics and financial system

6th place South KoreaSouth Korea fell one place with a value of 0.1505. Although the South Korean army has lost some of its strength, it is still among the ten strongest in the world

7th place PakistanWith 0.1694 points, the Pakistan Army improved two places in the ranking. Its air, land and sea power was highly developed, and natural resources and shared borders became increasingly important

8th place JapanThree places below is Japan with a value of 0.1711. It is the first country on the list that does not have a best indicator and stands out for its large fleet of helicopter carriers and the number of aircraft for special patrol operations

9th place FranceFrance, which has lost two places since the last list, gains 0.1848 points. The country received positive ratings in the areas of manpower, air power, naval power, logistics and finance

10th place ItalyItaly rounds out the top 10 with a value of 0.1973. With more than 293,000 active soldiers, it managed to rise to position by improving financial aspects and naval power

11th place TürkiyeWith 0.2016 points, Turkey is the first country outside the top 10 and despite being in second place In NATO terms, it already has a relatively large difference in points compared to the other nations in the top ten


12th place BrazilBrazil is in 12th place with 0.2151 points. The country has fallen two places, but is still in a good place in the ranking. The highlights of the Brazilian army are airports, roads and the large number of reservists
