Five Americans imprisoned in Iran are expected to be released

Israeli female soldier could be banned from prison security after having sex with Palestinian prisoner G1

It has to be an Israeli soldier excluded from prison security services As the local press reported, he was forced to leave the country after revealing that he had sexual relations with a Palestinian prisoner. The names of the employee and inmate, as well as the prison in question, were not disclosed.

According to preliminary information, the soldier was arrested by the local court, which is examining the case. And in her testimony, she revealed that four other prison security personnel also had sexual relations with the same Palestinian prisoner. He, in turn, was moved to a remote area before his questioning.

The country’s prison service announced on Friday (29) that female soldiers would no longer be allowed to serve in prisons containing Palestinian prisoners. And he promised that no women would work in these prison units by 2025.

The presence of female soldiers in Israeli prisons has previously caused controversy. In the past, nondischarge from prison service was attributed to the lack of male staff to fill prison vacancies.

Military service is mandatory for the country. Women serve for two years and men for 32 months.