Israeli government will evacuate strips on the border with Lebanon

Israeli government will evacuate strips on the border with Lebanon Diário de Notícias Madeira

Israel announced today a plan to relocate residents of a twokilometer strip along the border with Lebanon where five people died in Lebanese gunfire, two of them on Sunday.

Residents of the strip, which includes 28 villages, will be relocated to public facilities, the Israeli Defense Ministry said.

The plan was announced on the same day that the Israeli army reported that a soldier was killed on Sunday in one of the attacks with antitank missiles fired from Lebanon into Israel against the Nurit military post claimed by the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah. supported by Iran.

In addition, another rocket attack on the town of Shtula, also by Hezbollah, killed an Israeli civilian on Sunday.

In total, the Shiite group, which controls southern Lebanon and fought a war with Israel in 2006, fired six antitank missiles and nine rockets into Israeli territory on Sunday.

In response, the Israeli army attacked Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon from the air and with artillery, leading to an escalation of tensions, the worst on the border since 2006.

On Sunday, a rocket also hit the headquarters of the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in the town of Naquora in the south of the country, the origin of which is being investigated by the United Nations, without causing any casualties.

Israeli forces and Hezbollah have been involved in crossborder attacks, with a total of 17 deaths recorded: five in Israel four soldiers and one civilian and at least twelve in Lebanon, including three civilians including a camera from security operator Portal four members of Hezbollah and five members of the Palestinian militias who are in Lebanese territory.