Israelis protest government’s judicial reform

Several thousand Israelis demonstrated again this Thursday in more than 100 locations in the country against the judiciary reform being pushed by the governing coalition under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Thousands of Israelis protest again against the judicial reform

This day’s protests are being carried out on the so-called “Day of Resistance Against Dictatorship” when roadblocks were announced early and a red line was painted on the road leading to the Supreme Court.

According to the activists, the line represents the link between the independence of the judiciary and freedom of expression. The police arrested five people for alleged destruction of public property.

According to local media reports, members of the Brothers in Arms reservist group gathered in front of the municipal building in the town of Bnei Brak, where they set up a mock military recruiting office.

In addition, naval veterans sailed in small boats this morning to the northern port of Haifa, where they briefly blocked entry to merchant ships.

In return, nearly 500 special operations and cybernetics soldiers hung a large banner at Elyakim Crossing that read, “Dictatorship divides the nation.”

Last Saturday, half a million Israelis took to the streets in what has been dubbed “the largest protest in the history of Israel,” centered on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv.

The judiciary reform being pushed by the ruling right-wing coalition will allow the Israeli parliament to overturn judiciary rules with a minimum majority and select judges, which national sources say threatens the separation of powers.