It is a great trauma demonstration in Montreal for truth

“It is a great trauma”: demonstration in Montreal for truth and reconciliation –

Hundreds of people march in Montreal to remember children who died or survived after attending residential schools.

Demonstrators met at the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Memorial at 1 p.m. on this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, where members of indigenous communities gave poignant speeches.

Several darts have been thrown at governments who have been accused of not doing enough to right the wrongs committed. Survivors of the boarding school also told their stories.

“It’s a huge trauma. The healing process is long. It lasts a lifetime,” said Jean-Paul Fontaine, a member of the Innu Nation, at the microphone.

Participants then marched to downtown Montreal and stopped in front of McGill University for more speeches and Indigenous art performances.

“It is important for our people that I am here. I do it for the children who never returned to their families after attending residential schools,” said Randy Bosum, 45, from the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation.

More details to follow.

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