It was love at first sight who is the partner

“It was love at first sight”: who is the partner of Danna García, the life partner of the “Pasión de Gavilanes” actress, with whom she started a family and does not feel the need to get married

Simplicity, openness and love for culture are some of the characteristics of the man who fell in love with Danna García. The Colombian actress, protagonist of the successful soap opera “Pasión de Gavilanes”, maintains a solid relationship with this person who fascinated her for six years and whose qualities have strengthened their relationship over time.

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The 45-year-old model and singer won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world. Her performance as Norma Elizondo in Pasión de Gavilanes catapulted her to fame and made her one of the most popular actresses on television.

After achieving success in her professional career for several years, Danna decided to make room for love and family life with a Spaniard who has become her greatest support.

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Who is Danna García’s partner?

Since 2020, the actress decided to settle in Spain, the country of origin of her romantic partner. His partner is Iván González, a Spanish journalist and writer known for his novels “Música de un naufragio” and “Abrazar un cuerpo empota,” according to Semana.

Iván and Danna met in Spain at a cultural center where she saw a play. As the Colombian reported in an interview reported by the aforementioned media. The author invited her out the same day they met and she said it was love at first sight.

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On the other hand, in a conversation with the LOC section of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Danna confessed why she fell in love with her partner. “His simplicity, his openness, his love for culture. He didn’t judge me for my work, he understood that. That’s why he always supported me. “He is a cosmopolitan Spaniard who believes in the expression of art,” commented the actress.

Together they have a son named Dante, who was born in 2017. Unfortunately, despite Danna’s plans to have more children, she was unable to fulfill this dream. In an interview with “Despierta América” quoted by Infobae, the actress expressed her sadness at not being able to have more children.

In her own words, she had a revealing dream in which her body was telling her it wasn’t what was best for her or the baby. The personal health issues she faced hindered her ability to conceive, which was very painful for her.

Despite having a family and a relationship for several years, the couple did not marry. In the same interview with El Mundo, the actress explained that they don’t need it. “We are a very solid couple,” he said.

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Even though marriage may not be a priority right now, your love and commitment to each other remains strong. García continues to excel in his career and enjoys his family life in Spain, where he has made a home with his partner and son.

“Spain has been a home in recent years. For my husband, for my son, for the love I have for this country. I love it and want it to stay as it is: beautiful and safe. I hope that its history is preserved on all levels… cultural, literary, gastronomic. “I am a fan of Spain, of its traditions, of everything they have achieved over the years and of the great talent that exists here,” said the Colombian. (AND)

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