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“It was so hostile”: Passengers report fear on the ferry…

“We stayed as far back as possible on deck to protect the children”, reports a family who was on board the ferry, harassed by protesters together with the Vice Chancellor of Germany, Habeck.

A family who was on board the ferry in the port of Schlüttsiel with the Vice Chancellor of Germany, Robert Habeck (Greens), reported their fear. “The weather was very hot and no one knew what was going to happen,” the woman, who was on board with her husband and children, told dpa on Saturday. Her grandfather, who is over 80 years old, was also present. The family does not want to share her name publicly.

“We stayed as far back on deck as possible to protect the children,” said the mother. “The children were very scared and it was very scary.” Protesters shouted in Habeck’s direction: “Get out, you coward.” A gallows could be seen painted on a sign.

After the ferry docked in the small North Frisian port, the family walked out of the boat with their luggage and hand in hand into the crowd. “Through the intimidating protesters. “They then had nothing better to do than shout at the scared children,” said the mother. The father added that they finally reached the guarded parking lot and the car. “We were and are horrified.”

Return trip from private visit

Habeck was on a private visit to Hallig Hooge on Thursday. According to the family, there were many passengers on board the ferry at that time of year, including a funeral party with several elderly people. There were also other children on board, including a baby. The family described the situation as extremely threatening. “Protesting, yes, but it was almost unbearable,” said the father. “It was so hostile.” The family described the behavior of the ship's crew as careful and professional.

The ferry with Habeck and other passengers on board had to leave again to avoid being overrun. Habeck only reached the mainland with another ferry on Friday night. (APA/dpa)

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