Italy After a year in power Giorgia Meloni shows a

Italy: After a year in power, Giorgia Meloni shows a less radical result than expected

A year ago, the leader of the far-right Fratelli d’Italia party and her ministers took the oath of office before the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in the Quirinal Palace. After a year in power, Italy’s first female head of government has reassured her international partners.

Published on: 10/21/2023 – 9:57 p.m. Modified on: 10/21/2023 – 10:05 p.m

3 mins

Many observers feared that whoever celebrated the first anniversary of her inauguration at the head of the government this weekend would mark a radical turning point in Italian politics. Giorgia Meloni ultimately represented a moderate line in foreign policy and a anything but revolutionary right-wing program on the domestic front.

Despite her Euroscepticism, the 46-year-old head of state has tried to maintain a constructive attitude towards the European Union and its partners, apart from some disputes with Paris and Berlin on the migration issue. It also ensured full support for Kiev against Moscow and was intended to withdraw Italy from China’s New Silk Roads, the only G7 country to join the project in 2019. Their support for Ukraine was worthy of being knighted by Washington in July. “We have become friends,” the American president told him in the Oval Office.

Also read: Exchange of pleasantries between Meloni and Biden, but no word about China in the press release

A failure of his migration policy

At the domestic policy level, however, none of the promised institutional reforms have been implemented, our correspondent in Rome notes: Anne Le Nir. And for an executive branch that should have made fighting illegal immigration a priority, it is a failure. The number of landings, 14,000 since the beginning of the year, has almost doubled compared to 2022. The Prime Minister must also take into account her restless “ally” Salvini, who has increased his anti-European and anti-migrant speeches in the 2024 European elections.

In addition, without mentioning the announcement of her separation from her partner and father of her daughter, journalist Andrea Giambruno, who has repeatedly made malicious remarks, Giorgia Meloni’s favorite slogan “God, Family, Home” has lost its meaning. Thus, from January 1, 2024, the citizenship income equivalent to the French RSA will be replaced by a significantly less generous system. However, according to the European Union statistics office Eurostat, 63% of families in Italy are no longer able to make ends meet.

Nevertheless, Giorgia Meloni did not forget to send motivated messages to her many voters his positions on migrants, maintaining order and defending Christian values. In doing so, the executive barred local authorities from registering the children of gay and lesbian couples, who are not allowed to adopt or use surrogate mothers in Italy. Giorgia Meloni never stops defending the traditional model of the family, a father and a mother.

The government has reduces the tax burden, particularly when it comes to families, a traditional priority of conservative voters. But the economy is not doing as well as hoped, forcing Rome to revise its growth forecasts downwards. The national deficit is also likely to be higher than expected. One point remains encouraging for the country: the good development of the industry.

(And with AFP)