1664173815 Italy elections From Chiara Ferragni to Mahmood these stars call

Italy elections: From Chiara Ferragni to Mahmood, these stars call for mobilization The


Influencer Chiara Ferragni and singer Mahmood called for a vote on social media.

ITALY – “Go vote today. “With voting card and ID in hand, influencer Chiara Ferragni made it easy on her Instagram account this Sunday, September 25, to encourage her compatriots to vote for the general elections. More than 50 million Italians are being called to the polls in a risk poll as the right-wing and far-right alliance of Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi is expected to come out on top, leading the leader of the Brotherhood of Italy to claim the post of prime minister . A first for a post-fascist party.

The influencer, with almost 28 million subscribers, has had to block the extreme right on numerous occasions, particularly fearing a reduction in access to abortion in a country where difficulties are already numerous. Like her, former Eurovision candidate Mahmood posted a photo of her passport and voting card. A publication without comment for those who have been criticized by the Italian right only because of their Egyptian origins.

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Among the international celebrities, designer Donatella Versace also went there with her subliminal message to encourage voters to oppose the far right. “On September 25, vote to protect acquired rights, think about progress and look to the future. Never look back,” she wrote, referring to the kinship between Giorgia Meloni’s party and the one created by Benito Mussolini’s last supporters after World War II.

Several local stars have also taken to social media to call on Italians to vote, from alternative artist Ghali to singers Levante and Elisa.

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