Italy takes action against uncontrollable migration crisis

Italy takes action against uncontrollable migration crisis

By Oscar Redondo

Chief correspondent for Prensa Latina in Italy

According to a report published by the Ministry of the Interior, 133,171 migrants arrived on the Italian coast from January 1 to September 29, 2023, almost twice as many as in the same period last year.

The uncontrollable arrival of emigrants on the southern island of Lampedusa aggravated this crisis in the second half of September, after which Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani declared that “the deadlines for the implementation of the agreements with the countries of origin and transport must be accelerated”.

For his part, the leader of the La Liga party and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini declared: “Italy is alone, we have to do it alone, without ruling out any intervention.” “The landings in Lampedusa are the symbol of one.” The European Union is not there, distracted , distant, complicit.”

In recent days, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, together with European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen, visited the southern island to assess the situation.

Meloni noted: “We need serious, complex and lasting solutions and it would make little sense to see one part of Europe committed and working to find these solutions and another part of Europe working on them for ideological reasons “To dismantle this work.” these solutions.”

Von der Leyen said: “We are here for a coordinated response. The migration emergency is caused by human traffickers” and announced a 10-point intervention plan that includes the support of the European Union (EU) “to deport immigrants from Italy by turning to the mechanism of voluntary reception.”

We must improve maritime and air surveillance, also working on new missions and supporting the Tunisian Coast Guard. It is necessary, in cooperation with the Italian authorities, to destroy all ships used by human traffickers, he added.

“The European Asylum Agency must support Italy in examining the applications,” added the EU President, specifying: “Anyone who does not have the right to asylum must return to their country of origin.”

He also pointed to the support that the regional community must provide to Tunisia, one of the main exit points for migrants via the central Mediterranean corridor, to try to stop the emigrations.

The Italian government has introduced further regulations to combat illegal immigration, including extending the maximum length of stay in repatriation centers to 18 months.

This regulation applies in accordance with the maximum limit set by the European Union (EU) for non-asylum-seeking foreigners with special needs. This period is initially divided into six months, followed by quarterly extensions.

A plan was also approved for military engineers to build repatriation centers in sparsely populated and easily monitored areas.

During a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Meloni stressed that he could win more support for his country’s fight against migrant trafficking.

The head of government noted that it is the duty of the United Nations to reject any hypocritical approach and launch an all-out war against human traffickers, as their role at other times has been equally crucial in eradicating the universal crime of slavery, it can will not tolerate it returning under a different name.

“This should be a goal that unites us all, it should be a goal of the United Nations,” he said, asking: How can we close our eyes to this tragedy? Can we pretend we don’t know that there is no more lucrative activity than migrant trafficking? which he said he was emulating with the arms and drug trade.

Meloni assured that Italy wants to “contribute to building a cooperation model that allows collaboration with African countries so that they can grow and prosper,” creating opportunities in the countries of origin and transit.

Last Friday, the Italian government adopted a new legislative decree establishing urgent provisions on immigration issues, including changes in the treatment of unaccompanied minors.

In the new provision, presented that day at a meeting of the Council of Ministers, new rules were adopted for the special procedure for processing the application for international protection.

From now on, if such a request is made repeatedly at the stage of concrete implementation of a measure involving leaving the national territory, the police commissioner, after consultation with the President of the Territorial Commission, may proceed with the expulsion from the national territory.

This measure will be applied “unless the Commissioner finds new relevant elements for the recognition of international protection or the ban on expulsion,” said Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.

On the other hand, the rules for measures following an unjustified deportation of the applicant from reception centers were changed and the period for suspending the possibility of expulsion was shortened from 12 to 9 months.

If the foreigner is in the national territory at a time after his voluntary expulsion, he cannot request the resumption of the procedure already initiated and suspended, although he could apply for international protection.

After initial reception in state facilities intended for immediate assistance and protection needs, unaccompanied foreign minors must contact the centers of the reception and integration system.

However, in the event of temporary unavailability of temporary facilities, the Prefect may order the temporary placement of minors who at first glance appear to be over sixteen years of age in a specific area of ​​adult centers and establishments for a period not exceeding one year than ninety days.

As regards the determination of the age of unaccompanied foreign minors, the Public Security Authority may order anthropometric measurements or other health checks, including radiological ones, to determine the age.

During the state funeral in honor of former President Giorgio Napolitano, Meloni spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron about the positions of both countries on the migration crisis, in order to achieve better understanding and greater French support in dealing with the complex situation.

The Italian president reportedly criticized the refusal of some European countries, including France and Germany, to accept the migrants who have arrived by the thousands in Lampedusa and other parts of that country in recent days.

In particular, the current dispute between Rome and Berlin was discussed, which was based on the announcement that the federal government would finance non-governmental organizations that take part in the reception of irregular immigrants on Italian territory and in rescue operations in the Mediterranean.

In a recent letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Meloni accused him of a lack of coordination with his country and emphasized: “It is more about focusing on structural solutions that help stop the growing migration flows and reduce the pressure on Italy .” Meanwhile, on the occasion of the CIX. World Day of Migrants and Refugees of the Catholic Church expressed that “we are all called to create communities that are ready and open to welcome, promote, accompany and integrate those who knock on our doors.”

Francis noted that the migration issue was at the heart of the Mediterranean meetings held on September 22 and 23 in the French city of Marseille, the last session of which he attended, where he noted that “migrants do not invade, they. “Looking for hospitality”.
