Italy Who is Giorgia Meloni the ultra conservative favorite to

Italy: Who is Giorgia Meloni, the ultra conservative favorite to succeed Mario Draghi?

Who will come to power in Italy in a few months? After the political crisis that cost Prime Minister Mario Draghi his job, the next parliamentary elections in Italy are due at the end of September. Until then, the resigning prime minister and his team will continue with day-to-day business.

And the next elections, which are already smiling at the right-wing coalition, led the polls. However, it is no longer Matteo Salvini, the long-time favorite of the Italian right-wing, who has the favor of the voters, but Giorgia Meloni of the post-fascist Fratelli d’Italia party. She has become the most popular political figure among Italians, second only to Mario Draghi.

Giorgia Meloni joined the Front de la jeunesse, an organization inherited from fascism, at the age of 15. She became her youngest minister, then ten years ago she founded her own movement, Frattelli d’Italia.

She made him the favorite in the polls today, and on the evening of Mario Draghi’s fall, the 45-year-old politician was already at a campaign rally. “Have no fear,” she tells her constituents. “Do not be afraid of the interested statements of some Europeans who come to explain to us that it is irresponsible to vote in Italy… It is because they are worried! It is the basis of a government that pursues its own interests and not those of others.” She takes an ultra-nationalist line, close to Hungarian President Viktor Orban, and wants to defend Italian identity, her homeland and her religion against Islam.

“Don’t be afraid to do what your conscience tells you and what is said in the newspapers, in one-sided television debates.”

Giorgia Meloni

at a meeting

In fact, it is already worrying Brussels and European law firms. So his ally, Forza Italia, tries to calm him down. “I remind you that Forza Italia is a liberal, pro-European, Atlanticist party… says Antonio Tajani, number 2 of Silvio Berlusconi’s movement. We’ve said it over and over again and we’ve always demonstrated it with our voices. So we’re really a guarantee for Europe, for the United States on the international stage.”

In any case, if her party wins the elections, Giorgia Meloni is convinced that her coalition will give her power.