Its confirmed Argos sucks in Hamilton

It’s confirmed: “Argos sucks” in Hamilton

HAMILTON – The Gray Cup celebrations are in full swing in Hamilton. Especially since Thursday evening, Canadian soccer fans have been streaming from coast to coast.

Two observations: If Alberta fans, whether those from Calgary or Edmonton, are particularly numerous and passionate, then we have confirmation that the proudest Hamilton Tiger-Cats fans deeply hate the Toronto Argonauts.

• Also read: Gray Cup Final: I can’t wait for Green Day to get to halftime!

• Also read: The Alouettes mourn the loss of Karl Tremblay in Hamilton

• Also read: Marc-Antoine Dequoy was inspired by his late mother at the Gray Cup

“I encourage the Alouettes for this Gray Cup, they are our representatives in the East, but above all because they beat the Argonauts,” shouted Sheri Hodges, spectacularly dressed in the colors of the Ti-Cats.

On her fringed tank top, a button: “Argos Suck.” Otherwise, it’s fascinating to see how much the supporters of the different clubs fraternize with each other and all have the same passion for football and… parties!

A concussion for Chad Kelly?

As for the Argos, quarterback Chad Kelly, who was voted Canadian Football League MVP at Thursday night’s gala in Niagara Falls, told the website 3DownNation that he experienced concussion symptoms during the Eastern final. This may have served as an explanation for his mediocre performance, but also for the fact that he did not see fit to shake hands with the Alouettes players after the defeat.

“I didn’t feel good,” he told 3DownNation. My head and everything else wasn’t in the right position to say anything to anyone. I had to go to the locker room. My head wasn’t feeling well.”

What is certain is that the Alouettes’ defensive unit caused headaches with nine turnovers.

Quebec against the “ROC”

Is there chauvinism on one side or the other? Probably. Many Quebecers are favoring the Alouettes for this Gray Cup final on Sunday, while much of the rest of Canada appears to be siding with the Blue Bombers.

According to an impromptu, poorly scientific survey, it is estimated that at least 80% of Canadians from a province other than Quebec do not believe in the Alouettes’ chances. Some even expect the Blue Bombers to win by at least two touchdowns.